Convert 37.5 mm to cm
Convert 1.56 kg to g
Convert 50 g to kg
Convert 400 meters to yards
Convert 50 Mexican pesos to US dollars
Convert 10,000 Euro to US dollars
Convert 50$ Canadian to US$
Convert 50 US $ to Canadian $
Convert 10 leters to gallons
Convert 20 knots to mph
Convert 12 hp to Watts
Convert 40 acres to square miles
Convert 29,500 feet to miles
Converty the 1600-meter race to miles
Find how many times your heart beats in a life time. Assume 1 heart beat per second and alife span of 86 years.
The world record for the 100-meter dash is 9.83 seconds. How fast is that in miles per hour?
Convert 60 mph to meters/second
Answer as many as you can. I will definitely pick a best answer... By the way, I'm just doing this so I can check my work- not for you guys to do it for me.
Thanks for the help.