
AP Students from Miami, Florida in nearby high schools only!?

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I'm 16, Senior in HS... :)

Recommendations for AP Classes, I took 4 last year as well as Honors classes..

Which AP do you recommend?

IDK, So many, I want to take them all!




  1. Well here is my schedule for all 4 years along with grades I received in each class and scores on AP tests if applicable.

    Freshman Year:

    Biology Honors Gifted (B)

    Spanish I (A)

    Concepts of Engineering (B)

    English I Honors Gifted (A)

    World History Honors Gifted (B)

    Algebra II Honors Gifted (B)

    Sophomore Year:

    Personal Fitness/Health (A)

    AP Human Geography (A,3)

    Chemistry Honors Gifted (A)

    Pre-Calculus Honors Gifted (A)

    Psychology I/II (A)

    English II Honors Gifted (A)

    Junior Year:

    AP Calculus AB (B,5)

    Computers/Drawing I (A)

    American History Honors Gifted (B)

    AP Psycholgy (A,5)

    AP English Language (B,3)

    AP Chemistry (A,5)

    Senior Year (next year):

    AP Biology

    AP Calculus BC

    AP Physics C

    AP English Literature

    AP Government/AP Macroeconomics

    Teacher Aide

    From the classes that I have taken, I must say that each one has benefited me in a different way. Throughout the year, it will feel like h**l, TRUST ME, but when it's all over, you are going to feel so proud and accomplished that all of the torture will be worth it. I PROMISE :D

    Take as many AP Classes as you can. They will only help you.

    Hope this helps and good luck :)))

  2. hahaha idk but im from miami fl and im going to HS too lol sorry i dont know  

  3. take math it's easy if your me, orif your asian.


    P.S. the wii is too

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