
AP U.S. History?

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I am in 10th grade with an average of 87% in mid-track American History. I am thinking about taking A.P. US in 11th grade because it will be good for college and I will feel stupid if I don't take it. Also, my reading comprehension is not great. Have you taken the class? Should I take it? Is it hard? I heard that AP U.S. is the easiest AP class there is.





  1. AP classes are fairly hard, although they may vary somewhat depending on what teacher teaches it

    What I might say is that APUSH is not really for those who might take it merely for credits, but those who are really interested in the history class

    otherwise they won't do so well, might get a B or something, and a 3 on the test

    - I took the test without taking the class

  2. i took AP US history this year and the class was pretty easy and straightforward just do the reading and a little review of what you learned at the end of the week.  the test is pretty easy but watch out for those free response questions

  3. Take an AP that you'll enjoy, if you're a history buff go for U.S, if not don't.

    APUSH is not the easiest AP, in my opinion. But it isn't the hardest either. The class will require your dedication to understanding and memorizing countless historical events and laws, and then applying them.

    If you're still conflicted, talk to ur teacher: he or she will know where you rank in your class and can give you  appropriate advice.

  4. It will be very difficult for you if you are not doing that well in a reg. history class and your reading comp. is poor. You need to spend the summer reading some historical accounts and biographies. If you dislike that idea, you will be miserable in AP history. There is nothing easy about it.

  5. Saying that AP US is the "easiest" AP class there is doesn't imply that the class itself will be easy. I honestly don't think any AP class can be considered "easy."

    Taking the class this past year, it was definitely a lot of work. We had a lot of reading and writing. I know you say that your reading comprehension isn't that great, but maybe taking this class will help you boost it up? In the end, I worked hard all year and studied a lot for the AP exam. The exam itself wasn't that bad for me.

    If you're willing to do the work, take the class! It's always better to challenge yourself than to be lazy :)
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