
AP class we had to buy a book...?

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so i am taking an AP class and the teacher gave us a paper stating the homework for the summer. The teacher told the incoming class that we had to buy a book (she gave us a list) and that it was mandatory. The books price ranged from $20-$200. I attend a public high school. Is this legal? buying a book i have no problem spending $20 dollars but still.




  1. i tooko an AP class too

    but no hun they cant be uo 200 dollars i bought 3 books

    malcom x


    and frederick douglass an american slave all cost me about 28-30 dollars

    ++ their is always the library

    and which ahs books that are used some are like 89 cents  

  2. They can probably do this but you can always use the library or or ebay... I love ebay  

  3. Taking a AP class is voluntary and buying extra supplies is a requirement. The school can't afford to provide their students with books because you're going to be so dependant upon it to highlight, take notes, etc. Plus the AP test changes quite often so the school can't keep up with the different editions required.

    I know it's a lot of money (and yes they can get up to $200!), but my advice is to find a lightly used one (one that is used, but is in great condition). They're a lot less expensive, but you still get a book you can highlight and take notes in.

    Oh, and not all books can be found in the library. Some are text books. Get used to it. That's how it works in college.

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