
AP credit in college?????? fact or fiction?

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so im taking 4 AP classes this year (senior) and ive never taken any APs before, only honors. taking literature, chemistry, economoics, and government. so ive been hearing that they are not worth it when u get to college because u might not get credit even if u get a good score on the exam (yes, i know it depends on which college you go to and their policy) and you still have to take the intro/general class of that subject anyways? is this true? whats been ur experience with AP credit and college? and does SUNY binghamton and stony brook take credit?




  1. Visit the website of those schools and find out what AP grade they accept by subject.

    If your AP grade is acceptable by the college, you don't retake the class; otherwise you do.

  2. I took AP classes in my senior year of high school back in 1991, and "tested out" of several classes right before entering college (physics, etc.).  Then, at college freshman orientation in the summer before I started (1995), I tested out of several more classes - a language (spanish), english, as well as calculus.  I thought it was great.  But here's the catch - they end up putting you in higher level type of college classes anyway.  So while I tested out of english 101, I had to take a more advanced 200-level course in its place.  And all those classes I tested out of (e.g. calculus, spanish, etc.) - I had to take other classes in their place to make up the 15-18 credits that I needed per semester for my degree.  So bottom line is the only advantage of "testing out" of various entry-level math, english, history, etc. college classes is that you get to fill them with higher level classes - or you get to fill them with something that you are interested in taking (e.g. I took a few extra computer classes which I didn't need but were awesome).

  3. Most colleges and universities in the USA now offer credit for AP exams.  There are a few that don't, but they are few and far between.  Both of the schools that you listed offer credit for AP exams.  Even if you don't pass the AP exams, you can still take the CLEP exams for credit.  CLEP exams are also college-level examination programs that give credit for passing the courses.  The CLEP exams are multiple choice, so they're generally considered easier than the AP exams.  There are CLEP exams available in all of the subjects you mentioned.  AP exams give you an excellent preparation for college-level studies, and I highly recommend them.  Plus, they help you save a ton of money and graduate from college early!  

  4. go to collegboard dot com

    or go to SUNY binghamton and stony .edu website to find out more!

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