
AP environmental science vs. AP biology?

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I took both Environmental Science honors and Biology honors and had an A in both. I understood both pretty well and I think I'm good at both. So it basically comes down to which is harder? I heard AP bio is more about memorization while AP environmental science isnt...




  1. Every school is different.  At my school, environmental science is a much easier class.  AP bio is 95% memorization, but it is really interesting and the AP test has an easy curve.  I think bio is a lot harder because there is a lot more information that has to be covered.

  2. At my school AP enviro is considered one of the easiest classes out of all the AP classes, while AP Bio is quite the opposite, and is considered one of the hardest AP classes.

    It all depends on what interests you more, and how much work you are willing to do.

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