
AP scores/Credit?

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On college websites, when they list AP test scores and corresponding credit, for example:

Michigan lists Biology twice, once saying that a score of 3 will go in place of Biology 100 receiving 4 credits, and that you need a score of 4 or 5 to get out of biology 195, receiving 5 credits.

So I'm confused. Are there separate AP tests for each college level biology, or is it saying that you get more credit for a better score on the same test? I got a 5, but if there's more than one biology test (which I didn't think there were) then I don't know which one I took...




  1. Usually it would just mean the original class where a three is needed is more introductory and the second is more advanced. Though, now that I think about it, when I took my AP Tests (though History and Chem, not Bio) I believe they mentioned there were certain tests to take. I know for a fact that there are different Biology tests when taking SAT Subject Tests, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

  2. You get more credit for a better score.

    Alright, the way it was when I took my AP Calc test was, if you got a 3, you got credit for Calc I. If you got a 4 or 5, you got credit for Calc II.  This may or may not translate to Biology.
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