
APA League.. what are some great innovative ideas for the pool tournament?

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As a Team Captain I am looking for very creative, innovative, motivational marketing methods to create an incentive to keep players happy and ready to play. Aside from the trip to Vegas and possibly an end of the season award for members on the team what are other ways that I can provide an incentive for the team players to play good, have fun, yet also generate revenue for bar.

Let me know what has worked for you or what you have seen before.

Thank YOU!




  1. Kinda grey area there Robin  most is just for bragging rites at the end of the year. cant offer $ for a 5-0 match  cant pay them to play on your team,The league should already have a top ten in standing bracket with a year end trophy ours makes a nice key chain or bottle poener(small trophy) to say the least ,You could make them an honor wall in your bar with pics of them playing really theres not of a h-- of a lot you can do outside league awards,Maybe a monthly dinner or something Whatever you decide to do ck with your league first just so you dont step on their toes,just let them know your behind them and if a player gets a bad roll dont rub his nose in it give him some pointers but NEVER talk down to a member of your team  Man I sure hope this is what you had in mind !!

  2. I like Johnny's dinner idea...I really don't think there's much else to do except make sure everybody has fun.  My teams all cheer and laugh, and we say things like "nice out" when the other guy misses a nine and gives it to our player.  Encourage your players to bring their coworkers to watch them play and point out the best items the grill has (if applicable).  If you've got a highly skilled player on your team, get him to organize a team practice on the weekend and most importantly, work on everybody's strokes.  If your HSP isn't a good teacher, perhaps see if there's a BCA instructor in your area that could come out for a group lesson sometime (I know our local guy would do it, but I don't know how it all officially works).  And when the work that hopefully is being masked as fun (and truly is fun) pays off, make your player feel good.  It's just like being a parent: positive encouragement is the key.  Also, make sure everybody plays about the same number of matches so nobody feels left out.  Hopefully, you'll be able to keep your players happy session after session, and keep them in the pool room drinking, eating, and paying for pool time (and winning!!!).  Good luck :)

  3. Well we run 9 ball and 8 ball tournaments each week and also run a ten ball break and run draw where each player buys a ticket for $3. and all tickets go in a draw ...who ever gets their named pulled out tries to break and run the 10 ball rack..if they do ..give them the money and if not build up the pot.

    Also run a single player cash league out of the bar ......race to 5 on a non busy night. no handicaps and each player pays 5 case for the match ...keep wins and losses for detrimining who is in first and so on.....after 19 weeks and if you get 20 players your prize fund will be $2000+ and you can play a mini tournament at the a double elimination and have only the top 16 of 20 players make it..they then play for the money....we run pool leagues 3 nights a week and tournaments 3 nights a week and Saturdays we sleep...

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