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I have a major dilema. I want to move out of my mother's house and into an apartment in dallas texas around the middle of august. I'm also applying for the fort worth police department this month and i take the civil service exam on sept 10th and all the other test including the background check after that. If I signed a 6 month lease that will make me elgible to leave in february but I get the job at the fort worth police department and start the academy this fall, is it possible I can break the lease so i can move in the city of fort worth. All serious answers will be appreciated. I have heard of a transfer clause, can anyone go in more detail. Thanks for your assistance and consideration.




  1. Every apartment has a different lease.  Some allow you to pay extra to leave early, others allow for subletting, and others make you stay the full term.  Just call the place you are looking at and ask them.  Being an officer does not make any difference to the people who rent out the apartments.

  2. Best to talk to the rental agent and see what they will offer. Get it in writing since things can happen and you could be held to what someone else later decides. Transfer clauses are for people who are required to move by the employer they worked for when the agreement was signed. There is nothing in law concerning this.

  3. Typically when one signs a contract for an apartment, the contract is for a set time frame(i.e. 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.)  However, there are some circumstances in which you can successfully sign a contract for a set time frame.  Try speaking with the leasing agent at the complex prior to signing any contracts.


    Sometimes lease agreements can be broken upon payment of the remaining contract.  The one thing you want to avoid is no payments at all(if you were to break the contract) as it will reflect negatively on your credit report/history.

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