I do not.
But after spending some time online, I have heard from APs who feel like they are and some PAPs who would classify it that way as well.
Obviously, biologically I did not create her, but I have never thought of her as "someone else's child". Something about it just doesn't sit right. It sounds clinical, detached.
I have always thought of it as I share this child with her first mother. I did not have anything to do with the nature side of who she is, but my husband and I did have everything to do with the nurture side in terms of helping shape who she is and supporting and loving her and encouraging her talents.
I'm curious how others feel.
Again, I want to be VERY clear that I acknowledge and very much respect that she exists because of 2 people in China, but I have always seen our circumstances as more of a "shared" situation rather than "raising someone else's child."
She is very much my child. But she is also her first parents child.