
AQA English Language paper 2 exam on Thursday?

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How much time would you advice to spend on each section?

and as for section B, what sort of questions come up?

thanks x




  1. i think the exams for 1hour45. the first bits about the culture poems. you have to compare two poems. one is probably going to be listed and you have to compare it with another..

    section B is Inform, Explain and Decribe. you pic a question and answer it. the questions are random, about anything. you get to choose so dont worry

    n gud luk x

  2. It should tell you on the exam paper itself, but I would recommend about 45 minutes for each question.

    The questions that come up in Section B are for writing to describe, explain or advise. Although the question seems easy it can be hard thinking of a answer that is more than two pages.

    Good luck on Thursday. :)

  3. I did paper 1 today and as far as i know it tells you in the paper how long you should spend on each question

  4. The exam last for 1 hr and 30 mins. You need to spend 45 mins on section A (poetry) and Section B (inform, explaijn and describe).

    I'm just revising for my exam at the moment and saw this question so thought i would help.

    For the poetry question the last two questions that came up in June and November in 2007 were on the poems 'Limbo' and 'What were they like' so chances are they aren;t going to come up tomorrow. In the exam you need about 4 points for each poem. Focus on subject matter (what happens in the poem, form / structure (the layout of the poem and relate it to the q), linguistic devices(similes, metaphors etc. and analyse the lang) and ideas and attitudes. This hits all the mark scheme.

    For section B they ask questions on random things so you can never predict what's going to come up. However you need to make sure that you include a range of connectives e.g. however, nevertheless, moreover etc. Also linguistic devices like alliteration, irony or humour, and good spelling and punctuation. This should make sure you get the best marks.

    Good Luck ! M x*x

  5. well how many parts are there?  Do you have something more indepth to explain what you  mean?

  6. this is probably the hardest english exam apart from the english literature.

    this site should help and has the mark scheme

  7. I would spend 45 mins on each of the questions is about a piece of unprepared non fiction and the other two are writing tasks such as 'argue, persuade or advise'. good luck..i have mine on thursday aswell :[

  8. As the Poem Question is only to compare two poems, I would say probably spend the 45 mins on your poetry. It is always easier to do the desbribe, inform and explain since its easier to answer, well atleast, you would get more marks for using the correct techniques. I would say probably split your poem answer into 4-5 sections: Intro (5 mins), sec 1(structure, quite a bit bout 5 mins), sec 2(language, which you should write most in, 15 mins)and the conclusion(5 mins) + Plan and checking mistakes= 45 mins.

    In my mocks I only did 4 sections/paragraphs in my poem question and i got a high - B. Spend most of your time looking at the language and how it answers the question, as long as you have 2-3 points per poem and compare them you should be fine. So I really advise you to just work on the second question and use the best of your natural ability to get higher marks. It does take time to Decribe, Explain and Inform. Oh and in my opinion, the describe questions are the easiest as you get to make things up and randomly chuck in some words that create imagery to the examiner ^^. Good Luck. I'm gonna need it ¬_¬;

    For me, Poem : 45 mins, Part 2 : 1 Hour

  9. i had my one today and it tells you in the exam paper how much time to spend and where

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