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My co-worker is an engineer, said that he looked at the schematics and he says that there are cameras. He also four years ago predicted that THIS year we would pay four dollars a gallon for gas and wrote a paper in graduate school anticipating that Pakistan would have the bomb so he is not a complete wacko.

Does anyone know?

He may be paranoid or whatever but so far no one has answered the question.

Just curious.

"I don't know" is REALLY OK to say.




  1. Yes. They also have other devices that can track what you watch and what commercials you are attracted to. Also, what you buy at the store. Next, is mind control.  

  2. well it could happend.

  3. Yes there are. And they record everything you do. The information is forwarded to the government.

  4. I Found This...

    "Comcast Cameras to Start Watching You?

    If you have some tinfoil handy, now might be a good time to fashion a hat. At the Digital Living Room conference today, Gerard Kunkel, Comcast’s senior VP of user experience, told me the cable company is experimenting with different camera technologies built into devices so it can know who’s in your living room.

    The idea being that if you turn on your cable box, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations. If parents are watching TV with their children, for example, parental controls could appear to block certain content from appearing on the screen. Kunkel also said this type of monitoring is the “holy grail” because it could help serve up specifically tailored ads. Yikes.

    Kunkel said the system wouldn’t be based on facial recognition, so there wouldn’t be a picture of you on file (we hope). Instead, it would distinguish between different members of your household by recognizing body forms. He stressed that the system is still in the experimental phase, that there hasn’t been consumer testing, and that any rollout “must add value” to the viewing experience beyond serving ads.

    Perhaps I’ve seen Enemy of the State too many times, or perhaps I’m just naive about the depths to which Comcast currently tracks my every move. I can’t trust Comcast with BitTorrent, so why should I trust them with my must-be-kept-secret, DVR-clogging addiction to Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

    Kunkel also spoke on camera with me about fixing bad Comcast user experiences, the ongoing BitTorrent battle and VOD. But he mostly towed the corporate line on these issues (the monitoring your living room came up after my camera was put away)."

  5. In Britain, totally possible.

  6. this friend of yours is one smart cookie, he is right on all accounts,  

  7. Your friend is wrong. The chance of the price of petrol rising and a bomb is Pakistan are hardly the work of a clairvoyant.

  8. IDK

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