
ARE THESE ATHEISTS truly deaf and blind? Scripture quotes......?

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"Deaf, dumb, and blind,

They will not return (to the path)."

[Al-Qur’an 2:18]

The Bible gives a similar message in the Gospel of Matthew:

"Seeing they see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand."

[The Bible, Matthew 13:13]

A similar message is also given in the Hindu Scriptures in the Rigveda.

"There maybe someone who sees the words and yet indeed does not see them; may be another one who hears these words but indeed does not hear them." 1

[Rigveda 10:71:4]




  1. Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!    

    More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

    Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

    Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

    Evolution in action with Christians getting left behind like the monkeys and apes before them!!!

  2. why would you believe a myth?  if I told you I s*** rainbows and unicorns fly out my rear would you believe that as well?

  3. If I was blind, how would I read your question? ;)

    In other words, it's silly religious scripture. By the way, those scriptures each talk about other religions that don't see the oh-so-amazing message in each respective holy book. So the Koran is also calling the Christians and Hindus blind and deaf, the Bible calls the Muslims and Hindu blind and deaf, and the Rigveda is calling Christians and Muslims blind and deaf.  

  4. Don't put too much faith in the Bible or the Quran.

    Both are laden with errors.

  5. Buddy I'm off on my own better path. And I however am actually able to enjoy the scenery.

    Weirdly enough, if you are willing to let all three of those be relevant, then why not my own trail.

  6. Just proves that your god is a liar. even to the point that he claims that when others catch him and his followers in their lies then they are blind and deaf because they dont believe the holy lies.  

  7. Now I have to wonder which two copied from the other

  8. Sounds to me like several religions have a problem comprehending that one can read and hear words without having to agree with them. You realize that is not the same thing as a physical impairment I hope. It's just the ability to think for yourself.

  9. We understand.

    We do not agree.

    There is a difference.

  10. Until you prove your god is real, I don't give a **** what scriptures say.

  11. Clever quote of those holy book :). I agree totally.

  12. I must be one of them


    I see but see not( I see nothing)

    I hear people say it(but it still makes no sense)

    I do not understand(gibberish)

  13. Please don't make judgments. I'm asking you ... do you follow all what is in the Bible? No matter who you are ... you will always become a sinner ... Yes you see the words, you know the words ... but can you possibly follow all the words in the Bible? If you can't then you are in no position to make those judgments.

  14. Are you a Muslim-Christian-Hindu?

    You can't use scriptures of other religions to back up your religious claims and say "Oh, look, it says it in three different sacred texts (two of which I don't believe in) so it must be true!", especially when you regard people who follow those scriptures opposing to the one you follow as also blind.

  15. No, we're educated and observant, we know your religion is a crock of horse s**t.

  16. You can't expect Atheists to pay attention to Scripture. They are willingly ignorant.

  17. Yes! They surely are.  Not a clue!

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