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  1. honestly YES they are  

  2. i used to be a vampire ;)

  3. No.

  4. are a f**kin r****d

  5. mayb

  6. wot do u fink??? r u an *** or wot.  

  7. Yes they are very much for real... And it you are really in the mood for some truth about vampires or werewolves.. Try working with our Governments freedom of information acts... For they know the truth and they have the latest police and the federal police reports.... That will give you the correct information on those creatures activities.........

  8. No, if they were then we would have lots of unsolved deaths and kidnappings every year. But we don't.

  9. where do all the movies come from?;...

  10. they are only real if you pray to them, write a book about them, make a church for them, give MONEY to church and memorize songs of them.

    then they will be FOR REAL.  but you wont see them.  They will invisible but in your heart

  11. (* * * sigh * * *)


    (For the fifteenth time today.)

  12. A brief discussion of the human digestive system and then the probable vampire population given an exponential growth rate should explain why vampires are not possible. Vampires do not exist. Period. I am a Nurse, and the human body is not designed to process large amounts of blood for nutrition. There simply is not enough protein, carbohydrates, and fats present in blood to maintain a complex creature such as Homo Sapiens or any theorized offshoot mutations. When a human ingests food it is first broken up by chewing, then churned up in the stomach with digestive juices to form a bolus called chyme. It then passes into the small intestine where it mixes with bile salts which continue breaking it down on a molecular basis, mostly affecting fats at this point. The broken down nutrients pass through the wall of the intestines and into the bloodstream where they are carried to each cell or stored for later use. Indigestible bulk continues through the intestines, turning a dark brown from the bile. Water is absorbed from this mass in the large intestine depending on the needs of the body - a well-hydrated person will usually have a softer stool than a dehydrated person will. Water also enters the bloodstream, and this is what helps to maintain blood pressure. The pressure tends to balance itself in a healthy person because the bloodstream goes through a formation in the kidney called the Loop of Henle, where the narrowing blood vessel forces excess water and cellular waste such as urea out through the cellular wall into the kidneys, where it is excreted through the ureters into the bladder, and then out of the body via the urethral passageway.

    A person physically unable to process his own food for nutrition therefore also could not process blood - it's the same process.

    Theoretical ingestion of blood to supply these nutrients would therefore have to occur at least once a day, and would require the ingestion of the entire blood supply! which could not happen as the stomach is far too small to hold that much liquid volume. Furthermore, such a mass would be difficult to pass thru the intestines as it has no fibrous bulk, would most likely create an intestinal impaction, and any "real" vampire would have to eventually expel the waste, which would come out as a black, tarry, smelly goo. The word "vampire" is defined as an undead monster that drains the blood of the living. These humans that affect the whole "vampiric lifestyle" are NOT vampires. They are simply humans playing their own little game, in their own little fantasy world. I too, play my own little game, in the SCA, but mine is a game where the deeds that I do are determined by the strength of my arm and sword - I am a warrior, with just as much skill and ability as any warrior of ancient times. The difference is that I am claiming to be something physically possible: a warrior, and I prove it everytime I strap on my armor and walk onto a SCA battlefield. The so-called "vampires" are claiming to be something physically impossible: a walking corpse, and all they prove is that black Victorian clothing, a pair of false fangs, and a little makeup make for a good Halloween costume - it does not make you a vampire.

    Also, consider this: if a vampire has to (per my earlier example) feed at least once a day, and if this results in a new vampire every time (per the original legends) then the original vampire creates 365 offspring in just 1 year. The first one he creates then sires 364 more that year, and the second sires 363, and so on and so forth, do the math - almost a million vampires in the first year alone! Reproducing at an exponential rate, even with today's global population, they would totally convert every human on the planet in less than five year's time! (In 1 week's time alone that would be 35 vampires, and by the end of the 2nd week there would be 7 more for each of the 35, for a total of 245 plus another 34 for the new ones, or a grand total at the end of 14 days of 279 vampires!) This falls therefore, under the logic of Occam's Razor - which states that when you have removed every impossible answer, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. Since there is no "vampiric plague" swarming the earth, the logical deduction is that they don't exist.

    The movie "30 Days of Night" was good, but it ignored one basic fact of physical science - being the undead a vampire has no body heat, and the human body or human corpse is still made up of 90% water, considering all the intercellular and intracellular fluid. In those sub-freezing temperatures every single vampire would have frozen solid within twenty minutes of leaving the protection of the boat. Vampsicles. Every single one.

    Point of clarification about "vampire" bats: vampire is simply the name we have given them because they do drink blood, same as a flea, mosquito, or spider. Are these creatures vampires? No. They are living creatures, not legendary monsters. Drinking blood does not make you a vampire anymore than eating raw meat makes you a werewolf.

  13. There is a disease that is almost exactly like vampirism. I think that this is where the vampire myth comes from. Here is a little bit about it.

    Porphyria has been suggested as an explanation for the origin of vampire and werewolf legends, based upon certain similarities between the condition and the folklore.

    Porphyria cutanea tarda presents clinically as a pathological sensitivity of skin exposed to light causing scarring, hair growth and disfiguration. Additionally, it was believed that the patients' missing heme could be absorbed through the stomach, correlating with the legends' hematophagy

  14. no body really knows. Like bigfoot, the yeti, ogopogo...

  15. I happen to be fascinated with vampires myself. Check out this article. It totally changed my perspective.
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