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I feel like NO ONE in their RIGHT MIND would put down a woman who is succeeding at furthering her life, goals, and ambition WHILE STILL RAISING A FAMILY !!!!! The ONLY way a woman could possibly put her DOWN is jealousy; either of her LOOKS, her SUCCESS, her CONFIDENCE . . . . .or ALL OF THE ABOVE !!!!!

DO YOU AGREE???????????????????




  1. You when your logical, you will be attacked by the lefty dems, get ready to be insulted

  2. LOL! Nice try.

  3. I am not a fan of her just b/c she is saying that she's doing "G-ds" work! That sending troops to Iraq was a mission from G-d and that they are going to listen to that! She keeps mentioning G-d this and G-d that.  I'm honestly sick and tired of having to hear a sermon! Plus, she's Pro-life. Her party  wants "LESS GOVERNMENT" yet wants the Government to tell me what, I as a female, can or can't do is wrong! I'm sorry, but I have a CHOICE, a choice to keep or abort my baby during the first Trimester.  If someone else doesn't like it, then they can keep their baby and while they are at it, they can go ahead and adopt a few crack babies and see how hard it really is instead of fencing themselves off from that kind of environment.  

    I'm tired of these evangelicals telling people what they should or should not do. That is why I am not for this lady.  I don't like it when people have to push their beliefs on everyone else. Last time I checked thats the whole reason why our Forefathers decided to start this new world, to get away from that, yet we seem to be moving backwards

  4. So just because shes a women and I'm a women I'm suppose to like her? Isn't this just like what you people were complaining about with Obama? That blacks vote for him just because hes black

  5. Don't even go there...sister...Sarah Palin is an extremist, right-wing, fascist...This is her record...and you know it....I find this very interesting that the GOP has selected a well-known, hard-core right-winger but one that is a "woman" as an insurance policy against attack...sort of like the strategy of hiring Alan Keyes to run against Obama for Illinois Senate....Bad strategy...Sarah Palin is "against" women's choices...that is her political position....Tell me it ain't so...And I'll tell you it is soooo....

  6. I am far from jealous of the she-devil. Let's see, her daughter is knocked up (yet she totes her around because she's getting MOM attention), she is scary-dangerous in her religious views and she is 44 with a newborn baby. Oh yeah.... her life is soooo much better than mine - WHATEVER!

    I will tell you this, she may have 5 kids, but she needs to learn more about how to parent them. If she wanted a job preaching from a pulpit, she shouldn't have gone into public service. Check this out:

  7. I believe you are right.  It is one thing to not like her as a VP candidate because you disagree with her politically.  However,  a lot of the negatives you hear have NOTHING to do with political philosphy and the loud cackling hen like noise is simply bitterness & jealousy.

    Incidentally women, you HAD choices.  To NOT have s*x, to use female birth control or to require your male partner to wear a condom.  So you HAVE had a choice, you simply made the incorrect one.  So after s******g that up, your answer is to KILL.  Nice one one..

  8. No they just hate her because she's a ****.

  9. Yes. Where are the "feminists" to defend her motherhood and success? They are strangely absent....but she is strongly prolife.

    LIke or hate her ideas, there is no denying she is a successful politician. Just like Hillary, John, Barry.

    But you forgot another possibility....they make dislike her because they like her opponent.

  10. i  agree, most  women  can  be  dogs  about  other  women    that's  why  all  my  friends  are  guys  women  are  backstabbers  jealous  and  cant  stand  another  women  to  do  good  look good  or  just  all around  be  better  than  they  are.

  11. No one is Jealous she looks like a nerd oh and I can be the Governor of Alaska please don't make me laugh

  12. I just love her family values! First, put your career before a 4 month old special needs child. Then step into the national spotlight with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education stance with a pregnant unwed teen. Wow...what a woman.

    She also had her first child 8 months after the wedding then wants abstinence only education in our schools?  

  13. I'm not jealous of that woman....why??? I don't preach abstinence to others but can't even implement it in my own daughters are not running a muck around with guys and drinking underage...jealous of what?

  14. No I disagree, there are far too many successful woman out there to play that card sweety. No ones jealous of her, they just don't like her because of what she stands for

  15. I'm a woman and I don't hate Palin nor am I jealous of her. I don't agree with her ideology. I applaud Hillary Clinton who is both smart and intelligent. I know she used to work very hard but I'm not so sure anymore. She deserves a break because I know she has been working very hard for many years. (referring to Hillary here) Attractive people have an easier time making it in this country. It's a proven fact. I'm not surprised that Palin is successful. She's attractive and a force to be reckoned with. She's tenacious.

    edit: If Palin were a man then I would feel the exact same way.

    I like the governor of Kansas who is a woman by the way. I wish she was the VP nominee for Barack.

  16. I don't put her down because she's a woman...I just don't feel that she best represents me on the issues when it comes to politics (actually she represents me less than I thought McCain did).  Palin being a female does not sway my vote in the least...let's face it Palin is no Hillary!

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