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Or do you think it was a total waste of . . . at least. . .4yrs. of school and money thrown down the drain ?




  1. Heck yeah!  No one can take that way from you.  It's a becoming the equivalent of a high school diploma these days.

  2. Going to university changes your life.  It opens your mind, gives you so much experience and you meet friends that you will have for life.  

    I haven't even mentioned the fun you'll have.  

    But, before you go, you should really know what you want to do with the rest of your life.  If you don't know what degree you want, you won't have as much motivation to get to classes and get the work done.  Therefore, your grades may suffer and worse, you may end up graduating only to find out you didn't get the degree in the right field.  

    So, before you decide to go to university, decide what you want to do.  Then take the time to research how helpful that degree will be to your future.  For example, what jobs are available in the degree you are considering studying.  

    A degree in psychology, sociology, history or English will often not lead to a job in today's market.  However, if you want to teach or go on to a master's or a Ph.d. more opportunities are available.  

    So, know what you want and where the degree of your choice will lead.

    In short, having a degree has given me many opportunities that I wouldn't have had if I hadn't gone to university.  I even taught English in Japan, which I needed a degree to do.

  3. I am glad I got my degree.  I learned a lot, and I feel good about having the degree.  I could have gotten the jobs that I have without it, but I am still glad I went.  

    I could have gotten my degree without learning as much as I did, but I took all the classes that I was interested in, even if they did not relate to my major.

    I knew plenty of people for whom college was a waste.  People who skipped class to sleep in, or out of laziness. (I did some of this myself freshman year, and regret it)  Some of my friends dropped out.  If you do the math of adding all the costs of a college year together, and then divide the total by the number of hours actually spent in class, it makes skipping even one class look really dumb.

    College is only worth it if you really want to go, and if you really want to learn for the sake of learning.  If not, better to just get a job and goof off on your spare time.

  4. I haven't graduated yet, but so far I'm glad I'm doing it, if even for the education, and the friends, and the learning experiences.

    As far as whether or not I'll be glad after I graduate:  Remains to be seen.  Some people get degrees in fields that are extremely competitive or that have surpluses of available workers. I on the other hand major in Criminal Justice, which will basically always be in need of new workers.

  5. For sure I would say getting a degree is a good idea, and especially if you want to work for the rest of your life college degrees earn more for the same job than those who don't have it. plus college is fun too.  

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