
ARE dreams real??

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I've been having this dream that i am married and my husband's mother is jealous of us and that she killed both of us in our previous birth and i feel as if i will be with that same guy and his mother will try to kill us but i will have to save both of us and make him remember that we were related in the previous birth.IS ALL OF THIS TRUE??




  1. haha i donno bout all that... but your dreams could tell you things but i believe no one can really tell you what it means you gotta look at it figuratively, not literally, and try to see what its saying

  2. No Shivanie dreams are not true . Its just your thoughts .

  3. It sounds to me as if your mother in law interferes in your marriage and is it is 'killing' you and hurting your marriage.  You need to remind your husband what brought you two together and what you really mean to each other before she started trying to break you up.

    Pray for wisdom.  Pray for your husband's eyes to be opened to truth.  Pray that your mother in law gets a "wake up call" from 'God and that her heart will be changed.

    God bless you!


  4. -.-

    i had a dream that monsters were tickling me!!! is it true???

  5. I think you just have some issues with mother in laws.

  6. I love answering dream questions, but at the same time most people ask the same question in a different way: Is my dream somehow real or telling the future or saying something profound about me that I need to know?

    There are two schools of thought you can go with that make actual sense, and a few that are a little (read: incredibly) shaky in their logic.

    The first credible school of thought says that dreams are your mind's way of telling you something about how you view the world; a portal into understanding yourself better. In your case this would mean you are experiencing a longing for companionship, but fear that you won't be accepted by the person's family. This is rooted with another fear that you are unable to affect the outcome of the future relationship no matter what you try.

    The second credible theory is that dreams are your mind's way of working through your experiences and memories in a given day or so, and that they are just random neurons processing in different ways. This school would say to pay little attention to them unless they were really funny or interesting, and then maybe share them with someone who cares.

    The third school of thought is basically BS as far as anyone can tell. It says that dreams basically act as premonitions of your life, telling you something that will happen, most often in cryptic and not-even-nearly-literal ways. In this school, just about any dream can be made to "prove" just about any future occurrence. I think is the school you're looking for, and I have to say that you should pay very little attention to it. In essence it gives people a way to claim knowledge of the world -- particularly the future -- that they have no way of knowing, in an effort to comfort their sense of fear about the future.

    The simple answer here is that no, it is not true. It is likely you will get married and be happy enough, that your in-laws will not try to take out homicidal rages on you, and that you will not be reincarnated only to have it happen all over again.

    Stop worrying so much, it's just a dream!
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