
ARIES MEN - this scorpio girl needs some direction?

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i broke this guy's heart pretty bad, but we were both very young and too young to be in such a serious relationship with eachother (we broke up when i was 19 and i'm turning 27 in november). i fell out of love with him because he was overly possessive of me and at times childish about things, but looking back mostly because i was young and stressed out about life (which i kept a secret from him). we've been emailing a lot on myspace, practically everyday actually for the last week and a half, and he recently left me with his number (in case i needed a friend to talk to) cause i've sort of been in the dumps. i was just curious as to what an aries male might be thinking at this point... here's an ex that broke his heart, the first girl he truly loved who didn't love him back the same, popping back in his life (after she's been used and abused by every relationship since him - which he pretty much can conclude from my emails).... is he just being nice? are aries males the type to go back to a past lover? because i think if i see him or talk to him i won't be able to help myself...i'll get all nostalgic and might even start having feelings for him again which scares the c**p out of me...




  1. I'm an Aries..

    We aries can be emotionable. We hate to give up on the person we love. We either know or think that we can give that significant other a good life and treat them better than most people if only the significant other gives them a chance.

    He is being nice naturally! There is no pretend in it. He is more mature now not like when he was all spunky and funny.

    As an Aries I like to prove myself to be a good person and lover. I try not to make myself too unattractive. I like to have lengthy relationships and I am extremely loyal. I won't change my mind about the girl I pick unless she change her mind about me. I will hang/hold on to my relationship til the last dying end. I will fight to keep my relationship alive.

    This is from the mind of an Aries Male! : )

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