
ARe you pleased that dole wallers are finally going to have to work to receive payment?

by  |  earlier

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It's a pity it will take a few years, but i think its fantastic that lazy LONG TERM dole wallers are going to have to contribute for their handouts and also that drug addicts wont get paid unless doing rehab!




  1. I've seen convicts doing their "community service".  They are more trouble than they are worth.  They need paid supervisors and from the amount of useful work they do, it would be cheaper to pay the supervisors to do it.

    If the long term unemployed were capable of making a useful contribution to society, they would.  I know it hurts, but it's cheapest just to pay them to keep out of the way.

  2. Many of them will find a way out of it.    In any case, where are the jobs coming from, everyone`s being laid off!

  3. thata is brillaitn they are being handed things waaay too long u have to work like everyone else !!!!! thank god for that!

  4. It wont happen. Remember "Tough on crime tough on the causes of crime!"

  5. I particularly like the idea that the money saved will be paid to companies to help find those on benefits work.

    i mean the NHS, doesn't need it, nor our schools, or police force, nor even the taxpayers who have been paying tax to support the junkies and liars for years.

    But yes in theory a good idea, hope it works.

  6. i'm not holding my breath but i hope it does all work out :-)

  7. Good idea in theory.Hope it works But i doubt it will.Loads of them know how to work the system already.The permanent scroungers know every trick in the book.

    It's just a shame that the people who really need help are tarred with the same brush as the pig lazy.

  8. Yep I cant wait for the sharp rise in crime as people find other ways to get out of going to work and rehab.

    Also never being able to get a doctors appointment as they queue up to get another sick note.....etc

    Like the lazy dole boy scroungers, this idea will never work

  9. i do, where i live they openly brag that they wont work and laugh because people have to get up in the morning. its about time they did something, they know who the genuine people are who cant work

  10. It won't work in the long run.  They would have to do the job up to minimum wage level, if they get £60 a week, that is only 10 hours work.  Also, where are the jobs going to come from?  I do like the idea that druggies and alkies will have to accept treatment or lose their benefit - that is the only good thing to come out of these ideas.

  11. Now if only they would do something about all the lazy and drug addicted whiners on Yahoo Answers all day and night.

    They should get back to work instead of whining about everyone else that can't find a job.

  12. Sounds like a good idea, lets hope it actually works though lol.

  13. Long overdue

    [edit] Scrooge. You may be right but we will have the cleanest litter free cities in the world. LOL

  14. hopefully there will be loads of jobs around for them!!

  15. yes yes yes my taxes need to go to something to improve this nation

  16. Yes and I know there are thousands of people as you call 'dole wallers' but there has been umpteen government schemes similar and the problem is separating the genuine people.  I was heavily involved as an assessor for Employment Training in the 1980's where those who went for training received £10 pr week in additon to their dole money. 95% of the training was rubbish, the people employed to assess the needs of the unemployed were rubbish. I was unpopular as I truly tried to assess their needs. My colleagues referred to these people as 'bums on seats' and couldn't get them out the door quick enough. Sad, but a fact of life that a lot of these people were of lower intelligence. One example I'll give is that the CITB did a proper bricklaying apprenticeship training but you had to really have a lot about you to get on to these.  If someone came to me and wanted to be a bricklayer and I knew from work books etc they had completed they didn't have the necessary numeracy skills I would explain to be a bricklayer you required to measure and gave them some examples. If they couldn't do it I would explain there were other courses available that wouldn't make them a proper bricklayer but they would develop some skills in this field to act as a stepping stone, whilst also getting numeracy help.  They then decided if they wished to go down this road.  Whereas, my colleagues guaranteed them they would be bricklayers at the end. Sad thing is the people signed their Action PLan, not really reading the comments and if anything came of it they didn't have a leg to stand on. We were well paid so do you think there will be a different calibre of people helping these new programmes.....I think not.  Also at that time it was still Invalidity Benefit that was in force.  Some of the poor people sent to us to be assessed to go on the ET scheme would have brought a tear to your eye.  Afraid this is where once again it will all go wrong.  Schemers can work the system and will still get away with it but some genuine people will be 'sent to h**l and back'.  I don't know any easy and answer and I really don't think any government does either.  We would all like people taken advantage given their marching orders but separating the honest from the dishonest is the difficult bit.

  17. Make the lazy £$%$@&*'s earn MY money is only just scraping the fair side of life.

  18. It's a nonsense story that pops up every couple of years when a government want some credibility and support. What "work" are they going to do? an MP. perhaps, or maybe an airline pilot or a doctor, maybe that is out of there league,  so lets p1ss off the trade unions and  force them to work in a factory  or sweep the streets

  19. Not being rude but WTF's a "waller"?  Next, isn't it against the law to WORK whilst receiving BENEFITS?

    EDIT: Just a thought - The latest figures - which are about six months  out of date - reveal that unemployment has risen drastically. So, just where is the government going to find jobs for people on benefits if others are being paid off at an alarming rate?

  20. c€ertain situations, yes, others no.

  21. It will NEVER happen.

  22. yes, then genuine people won't get called dole wallers or spongers etc. I've had to give up work because of ill health and I'm sick of the name calling already. I'd work my @rse off in exchange for my health that's for sure.

  23. it's about time, but to bad that soon we all will be on the dole.

  24. Years ago a scheme was started where a claimant was given extra, about £10 a week then, for doing work, mainly community work for the council or charities. I think you were put on the scheme for a year, and you'd be offered training. It was designed to get people back in to the work ethic with a new skill behind them. I thought it was a good idea but for some reason it was scrapped. It worked particularly for those that didn't want to be on benefits and separated them from the scroungers while the genuinely ill weren't affected. I'd be pleased if a practical scheme was made available rather than another half hearted attempt. Most of these ideas don't affect the hardcore benefit abusers.

  25. It's going to cost way more to try to get this to work than to just give them dole in the first place. Also a number of companies who currently clean will soon be going out of business adding to the problem. What a colossal waste of time.

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