
ARe you supposed to #2 everyday?

by  |  earlier

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i heard you were supposed to, and i only go about once every 2 that bad?

(btw, i'm sorry this is gross---but i was just wondering.)




  1. omg alien! justkidding.

    but uhm everyday NO but like every 3 days yes.

  2. Yes, everyday. Every 2 weeks is bad contact your doctor.  

  3. whoa... i go once every 1-2 days...

    you must be pretty thin to only need to go once or twice a week...

    try eating more, or like the other person said... get more iron in your body

    i think they sell iron pills somewhere... my brother needed to take them before...

    if not, try something with fiber in it... or prunes and prune juice

  4. I don't #2 everyday, maybe every three days or two days I'm not sure I don't really count lol!

  5. It is healthy to go everyday. Takes the toxins out of your body

  6. everyday wont effect you but at least every 2-3 days or youll build up and get stomach aches

  7. yeah, you might be lacking some iron?? i think

  8. kk

  9. nah, its really if there is a pattern your good. some people don't poo everyday thats fine.

  10. Well once every two weeks defiantly isn't normal. Yes you are supposed to go once a day and even once every other day would be okay. Do you eat enough? If you are eating correctly/enough and not going then add fiber to your diet. Either eat high fiber foods or take fiber supplements. Also drink water.

  11. yes , its bowel movements.  check with your doctor and are you drinking enough water? and eating fiber. if you are then it might be something serious and you should have it checked.

  12. Not necessarily bad that you go once every two weeks it mainly depends on what you eat and what can be digested and what can not be. There is not necessarily a set number on how often you are suppose to go. If you are worried just call and ask your doctor

  13. That's a good question, I remember when I was about 5-11 I used to go like, once every two or three days, now I'm almost 15 and go about twice a day because I eat healthier. Dietary fibre, FTW!

  14. Short answer- No.

    It is not necessary to "#2" every single day. Some people do it everyday and others may do it only twice a week.

    "Flushing out toxins" is only said by people who have no idea what they are talking about. Your body isn't going to get infected or diseased if your bowels don't get emptied every day.

    And no weight has nothing to do with it.

  15. Going #2 once everyday is ideal, but it's not bad if you don't. Maybe you should look into your diet more.. because if you're only going #2 once every two weeks, that's not good lol..

  16. I go about every 3 days and i was so surprised when people told me your supposed to go every day. cuz i used to make fun of my brother by telling people he went every day but noone ever cared. but i think im healthy so one doesn't have to go EVERY day

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