i feel that i get this allot i don't know if its because im mexican or that i just have bad luck with costumer servise for example is it me or does the workers at macys make up departmen send this im better than you vibe, its kind of intimidating, when i go to a restaurant some times they talk down to me, i also get hit on with really disrespectful comments, when i was pregnant i went to the grocery store and by the time i left the check out i was tired so i desided to leave tomatoes in an emty cart instead of putting it back then i went to pay the rest of my things and the cashier started talking about me to another custemer infront of me saying how lazy i was and he was the one who had to put it back well he dint stop and it got to the point he made me cry, my husband ordered some doors at home depo and when he got them it wasnt what he had asked for, so when he told a worker there to change the order the worker told him " i bet you mi check this is what you asked for" and it wasnt