
AS Levels...retaking?

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if i failed all my as levels can i stay on at college and retake different as levels, starting from september? so basically starting from fresh after the summer? has anyone ever done this?




  1. Yeah u can. Nothing stopping ya. Godd luck. :)

  2. yeah you can do that. i'm doing that now... i started my first year doing business, german, english and media... but i dropped german and got kicked off business. i stopped taking media but carried on with english in my second year, and took spanish and travel & tourism too. so yeah you can do whatever you want!

  3. it depends on the college in MOST colleges you have to get at least D's in 3 subjects or you have to sit the whole first year again, my friend got C, E, U and had to resit the whole first year. I know some of the above people have said you can but really only poor colleges let that happen, if you arent going to pass the 1st year you wont pass the 2nd so they make them re-take.
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