
ASAP! What is Venezuela's favored solution for the Palestine Conflict?

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Hi, I am doing a UN Sim for a politics class and I am the Venezuela delegation. We are having troubles finding how they want the Palestine Conflict resolved.

We have been finding support for and against the Two-State Solution and support for and against the One-State Solution as well from the Venezuela side. We are thinking that Venezuela really just wants to keep peace in that area and supports the Palestinians in whatever they want to do. But still, we cannot find any concrete evidence on how exactly they want it resolved. It's all just hypothetical in what we have been doing so far.

Thank you so much! PLEASE answer ASAP! Also, if you can, please add any sources.




  1. Right now their President supports the destruction of Israel. He has become friends with the President of Iran.

  2. First of all... yay!! A MUN... God, I miss them hehe good luck! OK, quite honestly I'm not sure on the position but I'm trying to be logical... since our erm... "dear" president supports the president of Iran, I'm guessing he would be on Palestina's side.

    OK, I found something. Hopefully you can find someone to translate it all because I honestly don't have the time, sorry... I know they're a couple of years old... but I think this is as good as it gets

    "In this context we add ourself to the voices that ask for the support and guarantee of the International community to facilitate the election process of the new authorities of Palestine, in accord to the National law, without pressure or unilateral measures of any sort, so that they can really show the will of the people and their interests so that a democratic society, to finish building a State in the middle east in accord to the rights of the palestine people, to the values of peace, freedom and safety"

    “En este contexto nos sumamos a las voces que solicitan el apoyo y garantía de la Comunidad Internacional para que facilite el proceso de elecciones de las nuevas autoridades de Palestina, conforme a su ley nacional, sin presiones ni medidas unilaterales de ningún tipo o modalidad, de manera que estas puedan reflejar en forma transparente la voluntad soberana del pueblo y de sus intereses generales, en el propósito fundamental de establecer una sociedad democrática, protagónica popular y participativa, que concluya el proceso de construcción de un Estado que responda en el Oriente Medio, conforme a los derechos del pueblo palestino, a los valores de libertad, paz y seguridad”.

    Hope this helps! :)

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