
ASAP best friend and her boyfriend advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I introduced my best friend to this guy. They are like completely in love. They talk 24/7, they talk when i'm on the phone with her, they talk when she comes over to my house, and they always say how much they love each other and all that.

I think its cute but...

I'm afraid that she likes him more then me.

I mean chicks before ***** right?

I'm happy their together but I just am afraid that she likes him more then me.

I don't mean to sound selfish though.

Should I talk to her?

What should I do!

I don't wanna keep feeling jealous...

Immediate answers please!!




  1. Just try to ignore it for the time-being. Eventually she'll stop obsessing and you'll stop feeling jealous.

    A good friend would accept the other friend's choices

  2. your being selfish they will stop being obsessed evntually

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