
ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITERS???...Why can these writers not use correct grammar, punctuation or diction when they?

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write their news stories?...It is so infuriating to read news article after news article by these supposed professionals when they don't even KNOW BASIC GRAMMAR RULES!

Where are the copy editors at the AP DESK?

Hire me. I can at least use the King's English correctly.

Such a sad case when journalists are as dumb as the the reading public and do not proof read their material for big errors??? Where are all the smart writers?




  1. Because all newspapers and news articles are written a 6th grade or less level.  Not to mention the confines of columed writing.  Making news fit around advertising, which is what pays the bills.  You could use all the Kings English you want, and the editors and copy people would just change it to suit and fit.  BTW every story is fact checked and edited, at least in reputable news papers and magazines.

  2. The Associated Press has been around since 1848. BTW, the AP has bureaus all over the world. there's even 1 in Oklahoma City. With all due respect, you get what you pay for.

  3. They can't practice the basics of their trade because they are the typical AmeriKans who have a sub-prime education... The talking heads on AmeriKan news are completely incapable of pronouncing foreign names... it's all a part of the fact that AmeriKa is so mediocre in every aspect of communications and society.

    When even the colleges are turning out functional illiterates, you can't expect much in terms of quality.  That is why they teach young AmeriKans to laugh every time they pronounce a word with an "a" in it... it's easier to laugh at their own inability to pronounce words than to actually LEARN how to pronounce the words.

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