
ASTHMA--who here was helped by homeopathic treatments?

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My 7 year old has been sent home from school and has been hospitalized 2x for asthma. I've purchased the berry green prebiotic, the omega 3's, multivitamins, he gets the xopenex and the pulmicort and the occassional antibiotic(at which time I give the yogurt cultures simultaneouly)etc., etc. We also find creative ways of getting healthy meals into him, keep him involved with his peers and sports when he's not sick.

I'm just so tired of the regular mainstream medical proceedure for asthma. Has anyone been helped tremendously by any other modality? I want to get the phlegm out of his chest and clear his lungs so he can take in air. It's possible just need help and direction.

What has permanently worked for you? Why do you believe strongly in homeopathy or another alternative method? Any websites or supportive groups you can recommend--I'm searching and searching and would greatly appreciate some input. Thank You.

Best of health to you and yours!




  1. Asthma is an allergy attack, from an allergic food(s).

    Try to avoid these foods, foods containing:

    1) Wheat, gluten

    2) milk, milk products (milk, cheese,cream,ect.)

    3) egg

    4) sugar, artificial sweeteners

    5) soy

    6) yeast

    All of these foods, along w/ others, can trigger allergy attacks, like asthma, arthritis, RA

  2. No, all those herbs can damage your kidneys-not that I'm against herbs in general-

    but the herb stores thrive on people buying up 100's of dollars worht of herbs and solutions, and vitamins...

    and the stimulant qualities only speed heart and breathing, and they do little to bronchio-dilate.

    Once they're done with you, you're usually not helped- but hurt, and could have spent the same amount at the doctors/hosiptal.

  3. Homeopathy is a worthless scam, because all homeopathic medicines contain no molecules of the active ingredient in the final solution.  It relies on the belief that through magic, the water holds on the essence of the active ingredient.  I hope you can realized why this is nonsense.

    Do some critical research into it before you waste your money on it.  

    I'm taking albuterol  for fast acting relief and flovent for long term reduction of symptoms, but my asthma was never as bad as your child.

  4. I have allergic asthma, and am very deeply allergic to cats and horses (and I have a cat whom I love, so go figure.  I guess I'd have to say that love is indeed stronger than not being able to breathe...).  There is a HUGE linkage between asthma and adrenal depletion, so do some research on this.  I am also deeply allergic to cows' milk/dairy and find when I completely eliminate all cow from my diet, I am in much better shape asthma-wise than when I let some dairy slip back in.  I have found Xopenix is much less effective than Albuterol, but it's my understanding Albuterol is soon to be taken off the market  Most Medicaid programs will no longer cover Albuterol prescriptions, but you can try talking to your MD about this.  Most Medicaid programs have a provision whereby your PCP can override ANY policy of the program if need be.  (Has anyone else heard anything about this?).  I have also had extremely good luck with Chinese herbs, acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments for asthma (and for many other conditions as well.)  I was once on my way to the ER @ Auburn Hospital in Auburn, CA, with an intractible asthma attack  (It was a humdinger, and my nail beds were turning purple...)  I decided to stop in and see my chiro to see if he could help, b/c I really didn't want to have to go to the ER (I'm a working single mother of two kids, and don't really have time for the pain, thank you very much...)  He was able to get me out of my attack and all better in about 15 minutes.  Why the antibiotics?  This may be the partial or complete root of the problem.  Do some research on disbiosis, candida overgrowth, allergies and asthma.  You'll be amazed!

    Regarding homeopathy, arsenicum album has helped me before, but not as much as they things I mentioned above, especially herbs and adjustments.  If, like many asthmatics, your child has dark "raccoon circles" under his eyes, suspect allergies and adrenal depletion immediately, and start him on a rotation diet to figure out what he's allergic to.  I would never let a kid like this have sugar, soda or candy, for example.  And I'd look strongly at removing all mucous-forming foods out of his diet immediately.  Ginger and cinnamon help me A LOT!  As do all other warming/dispersing spices and herbs such as nutmeg, cloves, allspice, mace, cardamom, coriander, cayenne, cumin, chilis and curry.

  5. i think  one off the best  ways  off combating Asama  is  keeping  fit  cardio vascular  i have had Asama  for 15 yrs

    i don't need any medication  any more  running is very  good

    way to improve this condition the  lungs are a type off  muscle

    use it more it will become stronger  and more  efficient

    homoeopathic  is probably  not the way to  go keep  using the medication from  the doctor!!

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