
ASTRO: Are there Any Aspects in my chart that show that I'll be famous/Singer?

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That's my dream. :)

What in MY own Chart shows this?

Do I have any Chances

to being Famous??

what houses or aspects?

And Please no general answers.......

Thanks!! : )*x=f&d1day=5&d1month=9&d1year=1991&d1hour=8&d1min=45&citylist=Miami+Beach%2C+FL+%2812%29%2C+United+States&lang=en




  1. Hi Bella

    There is a natural love of luxury and a desire for social pomp and prominence as Moon in Leo lends a certain nobility to the persona. You need to be admired and applauded, and you seek appreciation constantly witha flair for the dramatic. Moon in MC Leo shows contact with the public and the influence of women on the career. Any form of arts, fashion, theater are good as a career choice and where changes can be applied. Not where fixity is needed.

    You want to be noticed and determined to reach a high social status. Leisure activities involving young people come under the rulership of the Moon. You need to be at the center . Period.

    Moon involves reaching a large number of people and with Capricorn on the 4th, you may build your life on established values, having a deep sense of duty and responsibility. This position often indicates the abscence of a parent or at the very least, the presence of an emotionally cold or reserved parent.

    Finally Cancer on the Cusp on MC, the mother often plays a role or is the predonminant parent.  Cancer and Moon is like Mother and child and you feel that the world may be your family and may even enter a career in politics.

    You have to look at the 2nd house, the 6th and the 10th. Any relationship between the 2nd and 10th relates to a career where you are your own boss . A 2nd-6th house relationship shows you as an employee.Having said this, Moon in 10th always brings fluctuations in finances.

    As for singing capabilities, Aries and Taurus often make the best Celine, Streisand, Aquilera etc... Those signs or ruling planets have to be strong. Venus is retrograde

    and rules your Ascendant, which means you have to put more effort, retrace your steps manytimes to get things right or to get it 'your way'. The good side is that it is  in 11thhouse which signifies theat your hopes and desires are more easily realized. Most of your energy will be used to attain them as well as in social affairs and friendships.

    Mars rising will give you a scar or mark on the head or face andnothing you can do about it. Finally, jupiter in 11th house shows a lot of travelling for social contacts with many many friends. You have a good shot at singing and being famous,

    All I ask is to give me an autographed CD. Fair deal ????

  2. Hard to say. Compare myself to my father for musical ability, there's a few aspects that keep popping up. Uranus opposing moon/chiron is one (and, obviously, moon conjunct chiron). We both have some sort of vocal talent.

    It is also said that - for some odd reason which always seems to go up for the musicians I've cross-referenced their charts - that chiron conjunct to a major object (specifically sun, moon or non-object like the rising) seems to indicate musical talent. True - in as much as I can judge - for my father and myself. Could also be true for you, because you have chiron conjunct to your moon. So that would be one indication that you have a vocal talent.

    A few other indications for musical talent, from what I heard is Pallas Athene in Pisces (preferrably in 3rd house). Pallas Athene is an asteroid, which rules patterns and our ability to recognise them. Its position in Pisces indicates a natural ability to recognise patterns in the surreal, things that people find hard to recognise patterns in, and... music. Music has something Piscean over it. Pallas Athene in Pisces indicates a natural talent in making music without having to study for it. Sadly, you have Pallas Athene in Libra. Perhaps not such a bad placement for someone who pursues a musical career.

    Then, some would argue the position of Venus is important. Others would argue it's the position of Mercury - especially for vocal abilities. I'm one of the latter... makes more sense to me. Mercury = speech ~ Singing = melodic speech. Both speech, both ruled by the same object. Then again, that's me... perhaps I'm wrong. Although, usually those two are in the same sign... so... why not look at both? Both your Venus and Mercury are in Leo (like your moon and chiron, by the way) so you can express yourself with a certain degree of self-confidence. So even IF your voice wouldn't be grand, you might catch on to the public.

    Now, last but not least... since you were asking about popularity; the [insert drum roll] Medium Coeli! Yours is in Cancer, Moon in 10th. Certainly a need for being popular and being on top of your career.

    That's all for today!

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