
ASTROLOGY QUESTION: spiritisim V.S Astrology?

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I have asked couple of (re-born) and (multiple lives) questions , and the majorty answerers belive in that concept,which is there should be another life and re-born, so the qustion now is :

Do astrolgers beleive that the spirit has its own characerstic (personlity) or these triats are been OWNED from this life ?

IF YOUR answer, says that You belive that the triats are in persons SOUL, then how DO YOU LINK YOUR SOUL WITH YOUR NEXT LIFE? if your SAGATTRIUS in this life then you MUST TAKE YOUR TRIATS (SOUL) with you for NEXT life, when (RE-BORN) and you must still be sagattrius. and reborn under the same DATE (nov-dec) in NEXT life.

WHAT do you think?




  1. both. lol never heard of spiritism but gee i hope its sorta real coz i like being a libran haha lol i wanna be one again in my next life

  2. Hmmm...interesting...I have also wondered about such theories..but no I do not think the exact traits and qualities carry over into the next...I think it is actually necessary for them to change so that the soul may be able to change, evolve and grow...hope that made sense...and this is just my own opinion/theory...

    ***Hmm...I do find this interesting! Thanks for the post and the link by the way :) . I wonder maybe (for example, I am a Cap it too unreasonable to suggest that maybe a former life were possibly your Rising rather than your Sun? I think this might give more leway in respect to actual DOB's hard to figure that in a previous life one had exactly the same birth chart....I mean some of the constellations and planets move at a different rate .... would be difficult to try to prove ... I could see myself being a Cap Sun in a previous life - lol! If this were the case though, then it also wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest that one's soul kind of goes through a journey or cycle through the zodiac to learn lessons from each....they all do share similiar qualities after all (of course, depending on other placements in one's chart as well)....what do you think?

  3. actually lots of astrologers believe in reincarnation, especially because of the south node - north node thingy..

    it is believed that the energy is the soul, what you do or what you dont do in this life time will make an impact on what your next life is going to be "karma"

    if your talking about signs being the same, its too primitive.

    lets say you had a jolly Saggitarius Sun but you took for granted the friends you had.. then this could lead to a hard aspect in your Venus in the next life.

    or maybe if you had hard aspects to your Sun, and you overcome all the obstacles and proven your worth, in the next life you will be free off them and your aspects will work out for your benefit.

    this isnt math where you add and subtract, its the law of the universe that we still cannot comprehend.

    the Key to remember is that, you will get what you deserve


    like OMG? you didnt understand a word i said..

    I was talking about free will OR what other people call "random necessary circumstances"

    what your sign has nothing to do on what your going to do with it! there are 2 paths you choose in life, the right and the wrong. WE are not ROBOTS, the stars dont control us, let them guide you, for every action there is a reaction, and its up to us how we react

    EDIT: and i answered your question in my first post.

    its not that simple, forget everything about the sign, and think about what you do with it. no one really has an answer or a formula for that, because God forgot to leave us a note, and we cant talk to souls.

    like i said, what you do with your life (whatever your sign is)

    would make an impact on what your life (signs) would be in the next life

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