
ASTRONAUT Dr Edgar Mitchell...."U.F.O.s and E.T.s ARE REAL.....???

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  1. Unfortunately I don't have the time to listen to the interview right now, I will when I have the time.

    But you will notice that in the text article he never says that he himself witnessed any of this, or met or saw an alien himself, he was only told about it by others.

    Still no decent photos, or artifacts, how about a book in an alien language, advanced piece of technology (tricorder?)

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, hearsay is not evidence.

  2. UFO is an abbreviation for unidentified flying object.  Since countless people have seen them, filmed them, and been unable to identify them, they are real.  But whether they are from another planet is another question.  I tend to put more credence in the beliefs and/or sightings of astronauts, pilots, and military personnel, who are familiar with our technology.  

    Edgar Mitchell wasn't the only astronaut who believed that UFOs are extraterrestrial.  Here is a quote from Gordon Cooper from a CNN article:  "In his post-NASA career, Cooper became known as an outspoken believer in UFOs and charged that the government was covering up its knowledge of extraterrestrial activity.

    "I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth," he told a United Nations panel in 1985.

    "I feel that we need to have a top-level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion."

    He added, "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us."

    You might want to read his book, Leap of Faith.  You might also be interested in the affidavit of Walter Haut, the information Officer at Roswell in 1947.  You can find it in the book, Witness to Roswell, by Carey and Schmitt.  Left at East Gate by Larry Warren is the account of a UFO landing in Rendlesham Forrest, England, near the Air Bases Woodbridge and Bentwaters.  Sgt. Penniston, who was stationed there, has been on TV a number of times talking about actually touching an object, which landed near the twin bases.  The deputy base commander Charles Halt has appeared with him.  Halt made a tape of his sighting.  In addition, there have been sightings over a number of other air bases. A UFO also hovered over O'Hare Airport and was seen by pilots about a year ago and made the national news.  

    I assume that if extraterrestrial craft have come here and have performed the manuvers that have been reported, that they have pilots.

    I am puzzled by the secrecy, denials, and the laughter that accompanies any talk about the subject, but I will leave it to the people who know more to decide if there has been a coverup.  I suspect that the government just doesn't know what they are dealing with, and would rather not say that.

  3. I think he feels strongly about it. I know that other people with similar credentials don't share his beliefs. I also know that we still have no evidence of an alien spaceship visiting our planet, conspiracy theories notwithstanding. So in summary, he is entitled to his opinion but I don't share it.

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