
AT&T Apple iphone 3g?

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I am currently eligible for upgrade and I have the verizon plan. I was thinking about getting the Dare but I was very pleased with the Iphone 3g and like it a lot. I was thinking about switching to at&t and I want to know the plans and the most decent too, hoping that they are not so expensive. Thank you. I will add more details if needed.




  1. since ur going to be a new customer to at&t u will get the iphone for the subsidized price  of $199 or 299. That cuts a good amount off right there

  2. Here is the plans website for iPhones:

    So, if you want the basic plan with unlimited Data, mobile to mobile minutes, and 450 anytime minutes, it is $69.99 a month.  That doesn't include text messages.  Keep in mind that the iPhone isn't compatible with MMS, meaning it can't send or receive pictures and/or videos (let alone it can't create videos with its camera) via message from phone to phone.  So, I would say, if you are just interested in the mere touch screen, then stay with Verizon and get the Dare.  You can get V-Cast V-Pak for $15 a month extra for unlimited airtime (or if it is data it requires to access web and email, then you add $30.  So it is either add the data pack or vpack, not both!).  BUT, if you want the iPhone for the phone, iPod and safari, gps, and other features, go with the iPhone.  One plus the iPhone has over the dare is that the iPhone is currently the device with the BEST touch screen hands down.  This is because of the type (it uses the electricity in your finger instead of pressure, making it more responsive than LG's touch screens).  

  3. The best bet to get the most acurate information is on apple and att website. My plan with 750 min and two line with both iphones is $130 and that is with both of us having 200 text messages. Go to this website and select which ones fit you best and it will tell you how much the plan will be. Dont forget the 30 data fee for the iphone and 5 more dollars if you want 200 text messages.
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