
AT the nascar start of the race they pray , But i thought law say "seperation of church and state T or F

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AT the nascar start of the race they pray , But i thought law say "seperation of church and state T or F




  1. Nascar  has nothing to do with government, but they also say a prayer at the beginning of each session of congress, and those words, "separation of church and state" are not found in our constitution.

  2. NASCAR is not the government.

  3. Opal is right. What the widely misunderstood part of the constitution is saying is that the state shall make no church or religion of it's own choice for the people.

  4. F

  5. First of all, there is nothing in the Constitution about this. The "wall of separation" is referenced from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote.

    Our laws governing freedom of religion concern themselves with the notion that the government shall not sponsor a particular religion. There could be nothing like the old Church of England in America. A Muslim under these laws has no less right to worship God as they see fit than a Christian or a Buddhist.

    but...NONE of THIS has ANYTHING to do with praying before a sporting event. NASCAR is a not a government entity, so they can do incantations to Lucifer if they wanted to.

    IF you're at a race and your not a Christian, just don't pray. Nobody will force you.

    Ah, the joys of a pluralistic society.

  6. NASCAR is privately owned by the France family. They can do whatever they want before, during, and after the races. Until the Patriot Act allows the government to take over NASCAR there will always be a prayer before the races, thank God.

    But to answer your question, True.

  7. the laws do talk about the separation of church and state; however, in this day and age, that law is pretty much out the window because Bush is trying to govern us by the Bible.  With that being said, sporting events are still allowed to pray if they feel the need to.

  8. Um, a Nascar race is a private show.  They could hold a church service before it if they wanted to.  But, seriously, the law also says "nor inhibit the free exercise thereof".  It's also protected under free speech.  Now, if it was run by the state, then, yes, that would apply.  However, since it is a private event, they are free to pray if they choose.

  9. Doesn't Congress open every session with prayer....and if I am not mistaken, church was one of the reasons we celebrate the 4th of July.

  10. Nascar is not church or state.  You watch Nascar after church and can't wait for it to come to your state.

  11. thats got to do with government business

  12. NASCAR is private and has the right to pray any time they want. This is AMERICA and if you don't like it you are free to leave and you don't have to watch NASCAR so it is none of your business you hater of freedom.

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