
AT what age (or grade) is it ok to get a date?

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AT what age (or grade) is it ok to get a date?




  1. I think senior year of high school, junior year.. around there. The middle school, early high school is too early.. even high school is not a good idea unless the guy or girl get along with both sides of friends..

  2. I think when your in middle school it's okay to date.

  3. when a good age is when you know that you can juggle boyfriend and homework and friends . that is when you know to me  

  4. defintly freshman year.

    because you start getting more serious in relationships.

    i Started actually dating in my freshman year

  5. ask ur parents to see when ur allowed.. in my opinion anyage under 15's too young, but thats just me lik

  6. whenever u think u are ready.

  7. It depends on what you call a date. My kid-sister has been "dating" this boy in her class since pre-school, which is limited to going to the cinema with other friends with them (in a group) and giving each other presents for birthdays and Valentine's day. Not what most people nowadays would call dating, right? She's 11 now.

    If you mean serious relationships though, I'd say 16 is a good age to start. If you're in the USA, you can also learn to drive at that age and take your date out without having to worry about parents driving you or what time the last bus is, so plenty of advantages.

    Good luck!

  8. Around the 11th or 12th grade.

  9. freshmen year/or  when you can drive.


    MAYBE even 8th grade but thats stilll kinda pushing it

  10. Usually, the earlier you date, the more failed relationships you have.

    People have told me that I'm too young, and I'm 16. In grade 12. I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and he's the only one I've ever had.

    So, if you find the right person early on, there's nothing wrong with dating. But if it's dating for the heck of it, it's wrong at any age.

  11. 27

  12. im 15 now (grade 9),  I had my first girlfriend in grade 6, which I think was too early.  I think grade 8 and grade 9 are the best and most memorable times to start dating, because at that age, its common so its less aqward for you and yours


  13. 9th dont know the seriousness, and the action involved in dating when they are below that age...its kinda annoying cause when kids are in like 7th grade, and they say they have a gf/bf, cause those people arent in a relationship they are just existing...but 9th grade, thats when u r better informed.

  14. I would say 9th grade

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