
ATHEISTS/AGNOSTICS: I got one about Jews!! (and trust me, this one isn't offensive!)?

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A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau has an apartment overlooking the Western Wall. Every day when she looks out, she sees old bearded Jewish men praying vigorously. Certain that one would be a good interview subject, the journalist goes down to the Wall, and introduces herself to the old man. She asks, "You come every day to the Wall. Sir, how long have you done that and what are you praying for?"

The old man replies, "I have come here to pray every day for 25 years. In the morning I pray for world peace... for world peace and for the brotherhood of man. Then, I go home, have a cup of tea, and then I come back. Now I pray for the eradication of illness and disease from the earth. But more important, I pray for peace and understanding between the Israelis and the Palestinians."

The journalist, impressed with the dedication and devotion asks, "And how does it make you feel to come here, every day for 25 years, and pray for these wonderful things?"

The old man calmly replies, "Like I'm talking to a wall?!"




  1. lol pretty good...

  2. exactly what do you do with your time on life?

  3. Firstly, no, your avatar does not make you 'look jewish'. That is sheer ignorance and not remotely amusing.

    Secondly: your joke is fine, albeit an old one. For some better Jewish jokes, go to the Jewish humour section here:

  4. LOL

    Thanks for the laugh.

  5. I got a laugh out of it.  Thanks.  I'll be sure to tell it at cocktail time tonight.

  6. That's pretty good.

  7. hahaha...i have to forward this to my neo friend :)  

  8. Its more than just a wal....

    But a nice joke nonetheless

  9. LOL. This one made me laugh and I am Jewish. Thanks

  10. ROFLOL!

    All the best.

  11. lol... I think its funny, but I'm not Jewish.  

  12. LOL. Nice!  

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