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no point denying atheists HATE DESPISE them.

my question is simple:WHY?

you always say that atheism is the best religion ever.a good religion leads people to a peaceful life.but what i've seen her,you are not peaceful...

and for kids,stay out of this one!do not try to will only give mean answers.i will report you if ever you answer this,kiddos




  1. Not all of them do, lots of my friends are atheists and are very tolerant. Maybe the ones on YA and the ones that hate you have had negative experiences with Christians

  2. I don't.

    And, no atheist would say that atheism is the best religion, because we know it's not a religion.  

  3. They can't except that we know true happiness and love from God while they don't. They could just be crying out for help.

    Peace. ><>

  4. Be careful about generalizing based on what you see here at R&S.  The evangelical "atheists" here are nothing like the average atheist on the street.

  5. 'HATE" is such a fundie word; I don't hate you or any other delusional being.

    There is NO religion such as atheism but you know that already; you're trying to stir hate in your opponent.

    Many of your opponents used to be on your team before we woke up to the scam and the lies; we know how you play; LYING is your favourite weapon; LYING is what your religion is built on and it's why you want to convince others that atheism is a religion and therefore should be judged accordingly.

    Isn't it a pity that you're only convincing other peasants with your lies?


  6. Christians despise atheists, no point denying it. Atheism is not a religion. The definition of a religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. Atheists don't believe in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. Were not peaceful what about the religious wars going on in the middle east right now. Or the execution of million of Jews because of Hitler. If you didn't know he was catholic and he has said he is catholic. Read his book.

  7. don't generalize...

    I even fell in love with a christian girl i knew...

    PS you should know by now atheism is not a religion.

  8. I don't think they hate christian they just are sick of ppl telling them they are going to h**l for not believing like you...

  9. Um...

    First off, a true athiest is lacking religion.  Thats what athiesm means. So anyone who is telling you it is the best religion is not an athiest.  

    Also, they are not just against Christianity...I am not Christian and I get told I am wrong all the time by one of my athiest friends.

    Christians can be just as bad as athiests.  Any extremist in any religion is bad.  There are people who accept other religions and there are those who dont.  This includes athiest, Christians, Jewish, Muslim, Pagans....etc.

  10. Why do you beat your wife?  

  11. i dont hate christians i hate people who don't study their religion and then yell at me about knowing nothing about it i have read the bible more than once i took a class in college about religion to learn about what you believe and i don't hate someone i dont know if you come up to me and say i'm going to h**l i might not like you but i'll think your crazy and move on

  12. Reported for missing that no one hates them just likes to laugh at the silly ideas of their world.

  13. I just think Christians have been misguided by people who pretend they know what they're talking about. No hate in that.


    no point denying christians HATE DESPISE them.

    my question is simple:WHY?

    you always say that christianity is the best religion ever.a good religion leads people to a peaceful life.but what i've seen her,you are not peaceful...

    and for kids,stay out of this one!do not try to will only give mean answers.i will report you if ever you answer this,kiddos

  15. We don't hate Christians.  Don't mistake disagreement for hate.

    Do you hate atheists?  

  16. Thanks for telling me how I feel

    Perhaps I shouldn't go ahead and marry the catholic man I thought I loved then.

    Atheism isn't a religion

    No such thing as a "good" religion

    Atheism isn't a movement, pacifist or otherwise

    This is a perfectly peaceful way of spending a (working!) afternoon - I haven't hit anyone - yet

  17. I've never said atheism is a religion.

    A good religion leads to a peaceful life?  Why don't you tell that to the suicide bombers.

    And I don't hate Christians.  My girlfriend is a Christian, I certainly don't hate her.

  18. I don't hate Christians I just think their beliefs are nonsense.  Atheism is not a religion.

  19. Love the sheeps hate the shepherd!

  20. I don't hate Christians.  I have several friends who are Christian: my brother-in-law, Rev. Mike, T.L., an ex-boyfriend, etc.

    I don't like people who call themselves Christian, but are hypocrites (like Sen. Craig), or censors, or bigots. The ones who try to ban books, music, movies, etc.  The ones who try to tell me I have to live my life by their book of mythology.

    BTW, no atheist calls atheism a religion.  

  21. Hate is not the mind-set of most Atheists. Hate is actually a result of intolerance; a practice many fundamentalist Christians practice on a daily basis.  

  22. Hey, not everyone is just like everyone else. You are just as bad to spout lies here with no truth to support them at all. My family is hugely religious. And I was until I figured out I was atheist. They don't care one way or the other, they allowed me to have my own mind.

    However I still am hugely involved in my families charity work with the family church. And I don't hate anything or anyone. You really need to stop being an ignorant and obviously unreserved bigot here. You are the one hating, not me.

  23. False premise.

    It's religion itself that I hate, not the religious.

  24. Just another Christian rant then?!!

    Atheists do not hate they question and that provokes Christian hatred!!

    Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    Is there even the slightest sign of a loving god in that or your question?!!

  25. 1. Not all atheists hate Christians.

    2. Atheism is not a religion.

    3. You are a fool.

  26. I really don't hate Christians. My whole family is Christian and all my friends too. They have their religion and I don't have any religion. We agree to disagree. I hope that one day you will realize that we aren't all as malicious as it seems to you right now.

  27. Us Christians are not above Jesus Christ so if he was persecuted, we will be too.

  28. Who hates 'christians'? 'christians' put their opinions on these boards. Atheists put their opinions on these boards. My opinion is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO credibe, verifiable, irrefutable evidence that would support the existence of ANY god! Period. Or exclamation mark! That's not HATE. That is a simple statement of how I view reality. You are free to post your view of reality, in the same manner.

  29. Christians often are "evil" against  atheists.

  30. You obviously don't know the definition of religion if you call atheism a religion.  

  31. 1. Atheism is NOT a religion

    2. I despise your religion, not you personally. I hate the fact that because of Christianity, science, and medical science have been held back for centuries, I hate the fact that we are supposed to ignore that fact that the christian religion is responsible for so many past atrocities and human rights violations. And I really hate the fact that fundamentalists are now trying to get religion back in school in the guise of a science which it is not!

    No religion leads people to a peaceful life, thats a lie, it is most often violent, and cruel, unjust, racist, homophobic, sexist and more.

    And Im not a kid so dont go reporting me for giving you an answer to your question. Im 32 years old, and have been an atheist for the last 17 years.

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