
ATHEISt i need your help for my SCIENce FAir?

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1. You went to the store and bought four new games each costing 49.99. When you got home you noticed that the clerk forgot to ring up one of the games. Would you go back and inform them about the mistake they made when you’re sure you would have to pay the money that hadn’t been charged?






  1. I can't read all of these stories in this screen (where I answer).

    But I do have a few comments.

    In several of the questions, likethe one with dangerous equipment -- I would have alerted someone to the dangerous thing, rather than let it go, and someone have their legs cut off. There are several questions like that, where you have me doing wrong things that I wouldn't do, and then ask me about the aftermath.

    BTW, I wouldn't walk around a burning building, either -- I don't want to get in the way of those putting out the fire and rescuing people, and they don't want people wandering around, getting into danger.

    Also, in the second story, you say it's my brother, but in your copy/paste, it refers to my brother as "he" the rest of the question.

    Also, some of your questions assume I'm in high school (I'm 50 -- but I never cheated on a test in my life, and not over fear of getting caught).

    You need to rework some of the questions, check your writing, and find a better forum for this poll.

    I'm guessing you're going to compare atheists to believers, to see if we're less moral, more moral, or there's no difference. The short answer is: atheists are like believers. We're not soulless, heartless beings with no conscience.

    You might be able to get a bunch of atheists to anwer this at "Think Humanism" -- a discussion site about humanism, atheistm, and religion.

    But this is long. If there's a way to break it down into parts, each with a few questions, that might be better.

    Or maybe put it on a free survey site, and send people there.

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