
ATM's in Thailand for cash withdrawal?

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I'll be traveling to Thailand next month and was wondering about the availibility of ATM's for cash withdrawals using my credit card. I'll only be there for 10 days or so, so I don't want to open a bank account in Thailand. Any help is appreciated.




  1. My last count there were about 9000 ATM machines from Siam Commercial alone. They cater for all kind of cards. In the whole country, I think more than 30,000 ATM machines. Lots of cash you see.

  2. Your have no problem using a credit card or debit card here in Thailand, ATM machines are everywhere.  Just a little advice remember to inform your financial institution that your be going overseas, so they don't lock your account when you try to make a withdrawal.  Also just to be on the safe side use your card the first time at a bank when it's open for service, just in case the machine eats your card up the bank can help you get it back.

  3. ATM's are everywhere in thailand even in the small towns you will have no trouble finding them unless your deep in the jungle or in the smallest rustic villages.

  4. I traveled to Thailand 5 years ago and had no problem withdrawing money from ATMs (I have a Canadian bank account).

    Their infrastructure is great for travelers.

    I remember finding an ATM on a remote island with no paved roads.

  5. ATM's are everywhere. Everything is the same such as PIN number except the money coming out will be in Thai Baht. But if the daily limit in the USA is $300 then the equivalent in Thai Baht will probably be the limit. When I was in Japan I tried to take out 50,000 yen which is about $500 and was told that I had insuffient funds which almost gave me a heart attack and had me calling back to the US before I finally found out to just request less money. Another lesson I learned it to have more than one credit/debit card should say the magnetic strip on the back of your card give out. And while I'm at it, to prevent a bad emergency, get traveler's checks and make copies of your passport main page and page with your visa stamp when you enter. Peace to you. Praise the Lord.

  6. There are hundreds of ATMs all over Thailand and all of them work for 24 hours. You can draw cash from your bank account of your country through Debit Card and from your Credit Card. Both the Debit Card and Credit Card should be International.

  7. haler.. ofcourse.

  8. The other advice is good.  Debit cards also work in ATM's too!  When you take money out of an ATM take out the maximum you can.  Don't be afraid that you will be stuck with Thai baht because at the airport you can convert baht back to your home currency.  If you make a lot of cheap withdrawals you end up with lots of fees!

    Always try to have some small bills available for paying taxi drivers for cheap purchases.  Even a 500 baht note may be too big for some people to cash.  (In a pinch you can buy some cheap thing in a Seven Eleven and use a big bill, most of them can cash a 500 baht or 1000 baht note.)  Use the security box in your hotel to store your valuables too!

    Good luck.

  9. Yeah, there everywhere and they work fine.

    They typically charge a %10 service fee, but it's cheaper than the fee to buy traveler's checks and change money.

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