
ATTENTION : How many?

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I wrote all the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times did I write the number 3?




  1. Twice in that sentence.

  2. 100 times

  3. for 3 in the hundredth place, 300-399 makes 100 threes

    for 3 in the tenths place, u would have 330-339 which makes 10 more

    for 3 in the ones place, u would have 303, 313, 323, 333, ... 393 which makes 10 more...

    so you have a total of 120 threes

  4. you wrote the number 3 about 120 times

  5. 119

    3 13 23 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 43 53 63 73 83 93

    plus all the 3s in the hundreds digit.

  6. Once

    The 3 in 300


    I Hope

  7. "I wrote all the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times did I write the number 3?"

    2 times -> 300 =1time and Number 3 = 1 time

    If it's not a trick question then 120

  8. either 120 or none because it wasn't 3 by its self

  9. 120

  10. 121...

    you miss the 333 there 11 in that row...

  11. there are 119 threes all in all.

    300-310 c0nsists 12 threes

    311-320 consists 11 threes

    321-330 consists 12 threes

    331-340 consists 20 threes

    341-390 consists 55 threes (11 in every tens, s0 11*5)

    391-400 consists   9 threes

    theref0re we have a t0tal 0f 119.

  12. 110!


  13. 120 threes

  14. very clever...100 was my first guess, but yes 120 makes sense...congrats to the person who got that

  15. Yeah, how many? You wrote them, you tell us!

  16. 27?

  17. 129

  18. Um...  120 times?

  19. Hmmm, well imma go with your answer

    and say... you wrote the number 3 120 times :)  

  20. 1, when you wrote 3

  21. many times

  22. you wrote three once (when you wrote the letter 3)
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