
ATTENTION If all truck drivers in th us would not buy gas and pull over to the side of the road and not?

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deliver there goods for two days , Also all citizens of the us every Friday and Saturday from now tell end of may don't buy any gas on Fridays or Saturdays. Do you think this in a nation wide scale could send a message to washington that gas prices are too high .n Maybe then thell do something about it.




  1. They know gas prices are too high.

  2. You Americans don't realise that you actually have the cheapest fuel out of most western countries. And you have caused the majority of the rise in fuel. And it's not "gas". It's a liquid, which comes from oil, and it's called "fuel" or "petrol". Gas is lighter than air... like deodorant, or gas for your BBQ.

  3. That's absurd. Not buying fuel for 2 days will not hurt the oil companies. After those 2 days the demand would be extremely higher and the oil companies would probably jack up the prices even higher.

  4. Grant,

    Just because you have a different terminology, or word, for an item doesn't make you right. Gas is short for Gasoline. Come on, no one went on here and made fun of a flashlight being called a torch, or a back pack being called a rock sack. What they don't have abbreviations for words were you come from. How about this one: Can't Understand Normal Thinking don’t they have an abbreviation for that.

    To answer the question:

    There are way to many variables, people don't buy gas how do they get to work, or how do they work at all. Would 2 days be enough to get a point across? No way! You would need more like a month to get a point across, and who could go a month without buying gas?

    Is this the government’s problem to fix? NO!!!! Every time someone stubs their toe in this country they want the government to bail them out and fix their problem. I only make $9 an hour I need food stamps, free daycare, and extra money to feed my $60,000 Escalade that gets 9 miles to the gallon on the highway. No that can't be a part of the problem a person paying $800- $1000 for a car so they look good but not paying for their food or daycare for 2-3 children or for their own gas. I live in Illinois and the state has a debit card program were the people can go into a store buy $1 worth of anything and have the rest of the money taken out in cash. I have seen it done and the lady said I need the cash for gas. What was she driving a full size Ford Expedition.  There's no problem there right. Lets focus on the real problems in our country it's not rising gas it's people that don't want to pay for anything but still want to look like they're rich. It's people that want their government to baby-sit them. I have an idea you want something like that try China or Cuba or Venezuela OH wait they don't have big SUV's that say look at me in those country's.  But hey that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

    Sorry for my rant

  5. dude wake up ! the protests ,letters.emails and phone calls need to go to the parasite politicians in Washington ! we need to drill our own oil !!!!! the liberals and the eco nuts have paralyzed the USA with stupid laws.the technology exists ,so the environment will not be harmed.we have more oil than the ragheads,time to get our own !USA imports 60% of its oil,you can protest till h**l freezes over and it will not impress OPEC  or lower gas prices by one penny.......

  6. You missed the part about you paying the truck drivers personally for the missed days

    If it were only that easy

  7. It might work, if it could ever actually happen. the fact is that truckers need to deliver their goods to make money and keep their jobs, and people will buy gas when they need it so they can go where they want to go.

  8. Trucks don't use gas, they use diesel. The people in Washington DC know how high gas prices are. It's not a coincidence that there is a oil man in the white house and we have record high prices and record profits for big oil.

  9. While I am sure you think Big Oil is to blame for the high prices (which are not really that high as was stated before), and that they are making obscene profits, you are wrong.  The Oil companies only make about 10 cents per gallon of gasoline sold, the federal government itself makes from 18 to 24 cents a gallon in taxes.  Then there are the local and state taxes.  

    You are confusing basic economic principles:  profits, net profits and profit margins.   While the profits appear to high and perhaps to have doubled, the profit margins have essentially remained the same.  In other words, the gross amount coming in is greater but the expenses have also increased so the "net profit" remains basically the same.

  10. We should try that here in the UK also, as we pay around $12 a gallon !

    I doubt it would make any difference though.

  11. They have an obligation to their customers to deliver the goods in a timely manner. By boycotting the would violate the contract with customers and lose business. They need to make a living.

  12. First, Truck drivers, as a group, use diesal not gas.

    Second, they don't drive, they don't get paid.  If truck drivers make this sacrifice are you willing to pay them for their time and I mean you, individually, not as you the group.  Many have an income of 75-100K annually.  Are you willing to support them with 2 days pay?

    Third, while it might cause the oil companies some discomfort, they do have multiple markets with willing buyers.  It would not be that difficult to sell their product to someone else.

    Fourth, the shutdown in delivery would be felt immediately.  Many food markets have a one day supply of multiple items.  The panic that might start (think of the peanut butter scare) when all that white space is seen could be amazing.  The supply would decrease and the price of many other goods could easily skyrocket as demand would not be met.

    Fifth, do you really think you could get 30 million people to agree to this option?  If you can do that, then maybe just maybe you might get 300 million to try it.

    Sixth.  Well believe this or not, the increase in fuel cost is a long overdue price correction.  While $4/gallon for gasoline sound incredibly high, it really isn't.   Do a little work, relate the price of fuel in 1980 to the price of housing.  We, the citizens of the USA had incredibly cheap fuel and food from 1985-2005.  We are just now having to "pay the piper" and pony up.

  13. dude, no.   it will never happen.

    gas will be 4 bucks a gallon by july 4th.

  14. I agree.   We who drive cars should pull over and not buy gas just like the truck drivers.   Every year washington says they will do something about these high prices of gas and never do.   Bush owns stock in the oil company and he would not do anything to upset them. by not buying gas maybe they would get the message for sure.  speak up america.

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