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i'm 15 and wondering how much i would get paid to be a night fill at woolworth/coles/bilo please help if you could please do it by hours

I.E 10 an hour





  1. Would you be old enough to do nightfill, what about school? I think it would be about 15 an hour.. Good luck xoxo

  2. At 15 you'd be lucky to earn $10 an hour, though being nightshifts it may pay more.

    I'm not so sure that 15 year olds are allowed to do nightfill, I recall needing to be over 16 to work past a certain time, 9pm I think.  

  3. It would probably be between $9.50-$10 an hour (standard rate for a 15 year old)

  4. hi me myself worked in coles..general pay rate for fulltime adult is 19 $ so u might be gettin atleast 15$ an hr,,cheers

  5. user - shona is correct about the  company policy of have to be over 18 for night fill.

    No one will hire a 15 yr old for a night fill job when there is school, you are only allowed to work a certain amount of hours and in between times at that age.

    My son worked at Coles at 15, but did after school and weekend work, why not try for something like this instead.

    Good Luck

  6. Hi, sorry to be the bearer of bad news,but I know personally, that at 15yrs you will not get a job as a nightfiller working for woolies. Company policy states that you must be

    18yrs old or have a drivers licence (so you can get home after your shift) to be employed for this role. I would assume that coles/bi-lo would be the same. It is a union and company policy for reasons of your safety and that sort of job will really interfere with school work etc.

    Also it is a very physically demanding job with alot of heavy lifting involved.

    Maybe put an application in for produce/deli/perishables dept or checkouts, $$ not as good (about $9?/hr) ,but at your age, this will probably be your best bet, then move into nightfill when age permits you to.

    Good luck with your job hunting,hope you get something

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