
ATTN: Calling all [FEMALE] vegans, raw foodist, and other none meat-eaters.?

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Question: What is the duration of your menstrual cycle?

- Odd question I know. However, I attended a health food seminar recently, focusing on vegetarian, vegan, raw, etc.. eating and lifestyles.

One of the speakers at the seminar was a woman who was a vegetarian.. And she said that once (you have a healthy diet your menstrual cycle should really last only ONE day or two), instead of the common 7-8 days we always hear about.

Once she said that, many women in the room laughed it off, and treated her statement as an exaggeration.

HOWEVER, could this be true? Is it true?

Are there any women out there that only have (one day menstrual cycles) on vegetarian, vegan, raw, etc diets????

Please share!




  1. Living proof - right here my dear. lol.

    When I ate meat, I had horrible periods. They were 5-6 days and I had heavy flow, terrible cramps and PMS - the whole 9.

    I became a vegetarian and the symptoms were still the same.

    After becoming vegan, the entire world changed for me. My periods are two days (3 tops) and my flow is lighter. I barely have cramps, my other PMS symptoms are all but gone. No more headaches, leg cramps, bloating or anything. I still do crave chocolate, but I can deal with that.

    Anyone who says that the hormones in dairy products do not transfer over into human females and effect our cycles is blind.

  2. mine's only a couple days. i never thought it related. but i went veg when i was around 13 so who knows.... i'm have to survey some other female vegs to see :P  

  3. Vegetarians, and particularly female ones, are at risk for anemia, and that can certainly affect menstrual periods. And various deficiency diseases can result in amenorrhea.

  4. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian (NOT anemic) and mine last about 5 days.

    One thing I've noticed since I've stopped eating meat ( I cut out red meat first) is that my periods are nowhere near as painful as they used to be. And my skin has improved!

  5. im a vegan.

    mine lasts 2-3 days, i don't know if thats due to my diet though.

    all females in general are at higher risk of getting anemia due to the fact that we lose lots of iron when we menstrate. it is not just vegetarian/vegan women

  6. I'm a vegetarian and they last anywhere from 3-7 days.

  7. I'm a vegetarian and mine last 5-7 days.

  8. I'm vegan. I can honestly tell you that since I've cleaned up my eating habits, yes, my period is only 4 days at the longest. But that's not even the best part... See, I am prone to migraines. Along with these I always had the worst cramps and lower back pains, accompanied by a breakout that would take me half the month to clear up. I am happy to say that I only have about one migraine a month and no more excruciating pain or acne. I'm not saying that veganism is a cure for everything, but I know that my life has become a lot more enjoyable since I've made the change. It didn't happen right away, it was after I did a two and a half week detox that I really started seeing the benefits. I suggest, for anyone to get the most of their good eating habits, that a detox of some sort is done to clear out all the toxins and nastiness that was once put in.  

  9. That's absurd and has absolutely no truth to it.  Menstruation is caused by hormones (estrogen and progesterone).  You build up a lining in your uterus and then you shed it.  However long it takes your body to shed that lining is how long your period is.  Why would vegetarians build up less of a lining than omnivores?  That wouldn't be a good thing for our fertility.

    My menstrual cycle is completely normal.  It lasts anywhere from 28 to 35 days.  My periods are usually 1 day of heavy bleeding, followed by 3-5 days of light bleeding.  

    Women who avoid sugar, gluten, dairy, and other commen allergens often report less pain with their periods and less PMS, but that's different than cycle length.

  10. I'm a vegan, and it usually lasts 2-5 days.

    And I get period every other month also.

  11. I do not proclaim to be vegan or vegetarian but I just don't care much for meat and don't eat a lot of it...I'm a veggie, pasta, rice kinda gal.. Any ways mine has always been 1st day spotting, 2nd day heavy, 3rd day spotting. Whether or not it has anything to do with the fact that I'm not much of a carnivore I dunno.

  12. 3 days, vegan

  13. I think this could possibly be true.

    I'm a newly turned veggie... I've only been for about 2 months... But since I've become a vegetarian, I've lost a day in my mentrual cycle.  I have not stopped after 3 days though, just down to 5 insteady of 6 (or sometimes 7).

    Hope this helps!! ♥

    P.S. I would LOVE to only have a menstrual cycle last for 3 days!!  

  14. I'm a vegetarian and I only have it for at most three days, but I tell ya first day is heaviest (not like it use to be though) and the other two are really light.  

  15. I'm a semi-vegetarian. Mine lasts 3 or 4 days

  16. I'm in my fifties and I don't have periods any more; I was vegetarian or vegan for most of the almost 40 years of my menstruating life.

    My periods were of different durations at different times of my life, but they usually lasted between 4 and 7 days.

    No, no matter how healthy my diet they were never just one or two days, except for the few years in my teens and 20s when I took the contraceptive pill.

    What I did notice was that when I switched from vegetarian to vegan I had less period pain. Could have been a coincidence I suppose.

    I think the speaker at your seminar was talking nonsense

    @ Scott L - in all my years as a veg*n, I have only been anaemic once, and that was following a course of chemotherapy - a very common side-effect, whatever your diet. And even then, my doctor described me as 'mildly' anaemic, and it went right all by itself, without the help of iron pills.

  17. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. My periods used to last between 5 and 7 days,now they are between 3 and 5. I never thought it had anything to do with vegetarianism though. I always thought it was due to aging and weight loss.

  18. First, to whomever made the anemia comment, I've been checked for anemia since I was about 16 and have been PERFECT every time. My mom, on the other hand, who has never been a vegan or vegetarian, was anemic when she was younger. So please don't make those generalizations, as they simply aren't true.

    Now, the the actual question :p I'm a vegan and my cycles are a consistent  3 days, then maybe 2 days of just light spotting.

    I'm sure there are some exceptions out there, but for the most part, a woman's cycle needs to be more than one day...that's just how we were made.

  19. I have a balanced diet which includes meat and Mine lasts 3 days.

  20. OMG! I just became a vegetarian, like, a few weeks ago and mine was like 3 days or less, but it was sooooo light, it was basically just spotting. I was wondering why! Haha! Thanx for asking! LOL! Sorry, i know i didnt help much! :D

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