so YAY I'm coming to do an exchange next January 2009!! Im pretty scared though...
I was wondering if anyone filled with knowledge can give me all the tips, tricks, and amazing bars and beaches!
I have a limited budget, there for 5 months, I would really enjoy taking off for certain weekends. Are hostels safe/clean?
My number one question are beaches. Whats the closest one, that's not gross? I hear I have to go like an hour away which is fine, but is it fairly easy to get out of town on a bus or train? Do you have trains lol? Are there special rates for student? Whats it cost? Will I get easily lost? Are surf lessons cheap?
I'm french canadian, do australians dislike outsiders? Should I hide that I am french?
What are the cool pubs and clubs? Are the men sleezy?Is it dangerous to walk around touring alone? Can I visit Sydney?
Im not looking for the stuff I can find on the tourist web sites, I want good specific advice from fellow/former university students. im 20/f & little lol