
ATTN: Raw Food Vegans?

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I'm interested in adopting a Raw food diet, however I don't want to become 100% raw. I still plan to each various cooked foods, and meats(chicken, seafood)… because I can’t let them go sorry! However, majority of my diet with be consisting of raw foods.

I became interested in raw foods, literally last week, when a friend of my cousin was found to be cured of type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure after suffering with them for 20 years.

My question: Will I still receive the health benefits, and all the good things that come with having a raw food diet.. Even if I continue to add cooked foods and meat to my diet.




  1. Yes you will. You did not state how old you are. As with any type of diet change make sure you have blood work and certain tests done to make sure you are getting what you need. Also make sure you take a multi vitamin as well as B-complex to make sure you are getting the essential vitamins you will need. Make sure your doctor is aware you are making a change and you should have no problems.

    It will take your body awhile to adjust to the change so give it time. And do not forget the acidophilus!

  2. I've been on a raw diet for six days, didn't want to do it because I love cooked food so much - you know what?

    By day two, because I was feeding my body the enzymes it needed and FINALLY received proper nourishment, I had no craving for cooked food - I craved carrots, lettuce, fruit, and by day six (today), I have absolutely no desire for the kinds of food I used to eat.

    You could try it out for a week, strict raw, for detox purposes, like I did, and you might find, as I did, that cooked food looks kinda gross.  You will still receive the benefits of a raw diet, even if you go 50/50, but 100% will take you to a much higher level.

    I have been researching this A LOT on line - just google raw food diet and there is SO MUCH information.
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