
ATTN: TEACHERS I need help with a quick survey on lesson plans?

by Guest60810  |  earlier

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I need responses from actual teachers. This is for a class assignment (studying for my elem. ed credential) There are 10 questions in total. Professional responses are greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

1. What format do you use for writing lesson plans?

2. How do you decide what you will teach?

3. What do you need to know about your student's learning styles before desiging a lesson plan?

4. How do you go about planning a lesson? Where do you start? What are the steps?

5. How do you motivate the students to become engaged?

6. How do you decide which activities to do during the lesson?

7. How do you plan the pacing of a lesson and know how long it is going to take?

8. How do you know if your students learned what you wanted them to learn?

9. How do you reflect about the lesson afterwards?

10. How would your reflection assist you in your future planning?




  1. Here are a few answers:

    #3.  If you use the three components of learning, you will hit every       style. Didn't you learn this in college?

          1. the teacher speaks (listeners)

          2. the teacher writes on the board or overhead  (visual)

          3. the teacher has the students write what they have learned


    #5.  Make the lesson part of their life so they can see how it fits

    #7. Pacing comes with experience.  It is always a good idea to have more to do than less to do.  You don't want students finishing early and left with time to misbehave.  

  2. You actualy need to ask a professional teacher about this...check the link below

  3. 1. A lesson plan book

    2. We have to follow one of the state approved curriculums.  I supplement it with my own materials.

    3. Whether they are a visual, kinisthetic or other type of learning, though it is iimpossible to address every learning style in every lesson if it is meant for all students.

    4. I start with thinking about my objectives.  Then I think about how I'll aaddress those objects.

    5. I motivate the students through the introduction and activity.

    6. I may use an activity described in the teacher's manual or my own, depending on my goals.

    7.This is one of the hardest.  Sometimes my best plans go awry. I set a visual timer, so the students and I can be sure we are on pace.  I always do this during small group instruction.

    8. Assessments, both formal and informal.  Teacher observation.

    9. Honestly, I don't always reflect after every lesson.  I teach 1st grade.  We have a three hour literacy block.  There isn't time to reflect when I have to swich gears.  One practical thing I do think about after each lesson is whether there we management problems during the lesson. If there were, I know it wasn't successful. At the end of the day I try to think back about what I've done and whether the students were  engaged and how the lessons were presented, what I might do differently.

    10.  If something went poorly, I'd want to tweak it.  I've given the students an assignment that required more than I had expected.  I will change the steps to make it more appropriate.

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