
ATTention Australians!!?

by  |  earlier

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ATTention Australians!!?

Just an example, Say I was assulted at work and the company tried to cover the assult up and told me not to say anything, I sued them and was told by my solicitor that I had won the money but wouldn't be able to get it till he is able to diagnose how long the mental anxiety would last, even when my body is fine again. Can his diagnosis actually keep me from getting all I am owed regardless of what I do in the meantime? Such as traveling to the states to start a new life in a different country which I have been planning for years prior to this inncident? I know this is alot, but I hope you can work it out and give me information about it. The laws are very different in every country so thats why I ask.




  1. You are better off talking to a lawyer about it.

    They can advise properly and legally

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