
ATWT: Bonnie working at Metro...?

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Does Bonnie own a stake of Metro now? Why does she work there? I'm not complaining that she's on - I think she's a great actress and is beautiful, but it just doesn't seem to make sense.

I haven't watched World Turns in a while, so I'm sorry if this is an question with an obvious answer... but thanks in advance for your response!




  1. Although I like Bonnie as an actress, I think she is scandalous. She is trying to hook up with Henry and he better not fall into her trap. I love Vienna. Maybe, she will trick him when he is drunk, get prego, and Vienna will come back and FLIP her lid. I hope this new guy in town will sweep her off her feet!

  2. Carly had asked Henry if he could spend more time at Metro because she wanted to take some time off(because of the affair with Holden).. Henry agreed and at the same time Henry was upset about having to be there more(because of vieana). Bonnie receives some cash from a client and tells Henry that she wants to take some time off from being a lawyer. Henry then offers Bonnie a job working at metro with him. I agree with you I like Bonnie as an actress!

    Edit: Oh ya I am not sure if you know this, but Vieana left Henry because he lied to her about selling his stocks of Metro back to Carly. When she found out she left Henry, even after he proposed to her. In case you were wondering where Vieana went....

  3. I think its weird that she works there... i mean one minute, she's this high profile laywer and the next, a local night club propriatress?

    Then again, i guess i know lawyers who take time off and do other things...

    Just wait for Vienna to come back though! My prediction: Henry and Bonnie are going to "get involved" and then Vienna is going to show up and throw a FIT because she and Bonnie can't stand each other...

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