
AXIS OF EVIL? who are they again.....?

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i seem to have forgotten...if the axis of evil,is foreign countries..who is the "nuclei of evil"? does an axis revolve or begin with a "nuclei or center? can you apply science and history to answer??




  1. In present day, it could be Iran, N. Korea and anyone else spreading terror: Venezuela and Chavez made headlines before, it could be Tzar Vladimier Putin now.

    It could also be Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer....they also seem to be up to no good.

    In WWII the axis was n**i Germany & Japan.

  2. germany, italy, japan, if im not mistaken.

  3. you need to go a little farther in researching your subject. check out thr definition of axis whicg is readily available.

    a.  An alliance of powers, such as nations, to promote mutual interests and policies.

    b. Axis The alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936, later including Japan and other nations, that opposed the Allies in World War II.

  4. google axis of evil illuminati

  5. My definition would not be the same as George's.

    I say it's anyone who favors rule by a privileged few and is against democracy.

  6. 1) This is more of a history or current events question.

    2) Isn't the concept of evil subjective?

  7. Well, as of now, the "Axis Of Evil" has just one country in it: Iran.

    Not sure about the rest. Sorry.

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