
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah what is this stuff???

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday afternoon i was sitting on my bed and i was dreaming of girls then a few minutes later there was this really thick, sticky transparent stuff coming out of my p***s. What the h**l is it? does it have a name when this happens? majorly freaked out here (oh yeah and by the way i'm 13 if that helps)




  1. If you didn't feel any thing extraordinary.  You could have a problem.

  2. sperm--you need a good talk with your father and yes--it is perfectly normal

  3. Ejaculate- dont worry, that just means your hormones are working, perfectly normal;)

  4. That is s***n.     Sperm are in the s***n, they are tiny cells and make up a small part in volume of the s***n.    But there are tens of thousands of sperm cells in one ejaculation, which is what happened to you.     This is normal.

    Evidently you haven't discovered masturbation yet, or you would be familiar with this.     What you experienced is called a wet dream, or nocturnal emission.

    Even if it didn't happen at night, and even if you were awake, you mentioned dreaming, that is what happened.     The male body produces sperm and s***n, and one way or another it's going to come out, whether through masturbation (stimulating yourself) or

    involuntarily, while you are asleep.

    Don't freak out, you're becoming a man, and that's one real indication that you're healthy and normal.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Its called a wet dream. many teenage boys have sexual dreams that cause ijaculation of sperm. its normal. your hormones are all out at the moment and will soon settle down.

  6. It is s***n,not just sperm.

    You had a wet dream.

    Don't freak out it will happen more often until you start masturbating.

    Here is a direct link,that will answer all your questions


  7. ask your dad about "masturbating" (mast-ter-bate-ing) or if you dont want to, go into the bathroom, and turn the water on, but dont get in. sit down on the tolit, and get the soap bar, and get it wet, and get your hands all soapy, and rub your p***s until it gets long, and rub it for a long time while thinking about hot people, and keep rubbing it until you shoot things out.  

  8. sperm...

  9. ur sperm lol

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