
Aaaaaaaargh - Please put a gun to my head?

by  |  earlier

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Am I going insane or are aliens at work?

What is happening to Yahoo 360 messages, 11 one minute, 0 a few nanoseconds later, then a few days later (today) there's now 16 in there with a load of unread messages at least days old. I had been getting messages to say someone had sent me a message, but when I checked nothing there.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems or has anyone any explanation for this?




  1. you are lost in the net

  2. No need to get violent. Yet. LOL!

    It's a recent glitch that I think many people are experiencing. You can read my sarcastic blog on the subject here:

    You may be able to try some of my old techniques, get some new ideas on how to get to those messages/invitations or you will just have to wait out the situation. SO, you can't fix the glitch, but you MAY be able to work around it.

    You can try deleting comments/messages and it may appear successful, but it will likely return the next day at certain times. You will just have to use the comment box and mailbox only at the specific times for when they are working properly. In other words, you will have to visit your 360 at various times of the day to see when the mailbox & top page are working. It will probably be the same time period every day, after you figure this out.

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Please refer to the 360 blog for official information. See for more details.  Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

  3. Aaaaaaaargh - Please put a gun to my head?

    In your neck of the woods I don't think I'd even joke like that.  It CAN be done...and easily...

  4. don't shoot yourself that's stupid I tried doing that but my frienss told me not too because they care about me.

  5. Shoot!

  6. Honestly,,,Yahoo has gotten too BIG for its Britches and cannot keep messenger can't even stay on in my area, often booting people in less that a minute causing them to reconnect!!!  Tis sad n scary...they want you hooked asap so that they can eventually charge...go into yahoos privacy paged and keep clicking..web beacons(read and opt out of those) and all to find out all they  own or are the major stock holder in the other companies..tis in the multi-hundreds of thousands, if not more...And a lil spooky to me...

    The major downfall is that their servers cannot keep up with the demand!!!

  7. give ur houseaddress i will come and gundown u

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