
Aaaaaaahhhhhh help me now ?

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well i need to know alot about psychics pleazzzz tell me about psychics i need to know now plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... tell me about them like all about them




  1. I can tell you a bit about psychics. I am one. There are many type of visions. I know about three.

    The one is symbolism, where you would see a snake splitting and it means something about the future. Then you get the knowledge one.

    I have the knowledge one, it is when you just know something is going to happen, but don't see it till it happens. You can tell someone you have met future in a nutshell, or someone can ask you certain questions about the future and you can just answer without knowing how.

    Then you get the straightforward vision. I also get tones of these. You see what is going to happen exactly how it is going to happen. If you see a mans head being cut off with a sword, a man's head will be chopped off with a sword.

    I am still practicing to control it. It is really hard and puts a lot of stress on you. Sometimes when I am awake and have a vision, I get confused and really think it happened.

    The psychic ability has a lot more to it then just see what is going to happen. A well-practiced psychic can change the future with their ability, you can change someone’s life path, you could even change how someone will die, and lots more but I don't know it all.

    Being psychics is not a simple as people think, because you got a lot more to stress about. You have to worry about the future, the present and the past all in one.

    When you have the vision, you never asleep completely. On the night you are going to have a vision you don't sleep until after the vision. During the vision all your senses are awake. During one of my visions I was able to sit up and walk to the kitchen, get water and go back to bed during the vision. Visions when your eyes are open are really funny, because you are seeing with your eyes, but some how you are also seeing something else at the same time. It is like standing with a paper between your two eyes, the one eye is seeing something completely different from the other.

    Oh and one more thing, most of my visions don't involve me. So in other words when this thing happens, I am not neccary going to be there.

    Hope that is enough info.

  2. I really don't have many "facts" on Psychics.  The area of science and/or spirituality which applies to "seers" is not proven or concrete.  Many people think pyschics are frauds, and for the most part, most people who consider themselves pyschics are frauds.  But, I truly believe think Clairvoyant people do exist.  My thoughts are such that people who have the ability "see" things with their minds are gifted similar to people gifted with art, music, math, science, etc.  The human brain is so complex, NO ONE on earth has mastered it's total capacity and probably never will.  One who is gifted with any kind of Mystic power usually make the rest of us uncomfortable. It makes perfect sense to me there are human beings on this planet who have abilitites far beyond scientific and/or logical thought.  Just because something cannot be proven as "fact" doesn't have any effect on the reality of its being.  

    A "real" pyschic person may be able to offer help in many situations.  Police departments even use them for cases they cannot solve.  Never say never to the unknown.  

    Who can say what the mind is capable of.  For example, look at child prodigies.  Little kids who can do quantum physics are NOT the norm, but they do exist.  What is their power or gift?  

    The "unknown" is just one of the areas that makes our quest for knowledge an ongoing study.  Humans are constantly seeking and exploring the "unknown".  If it weren't for exploration and seeking knowledge, humans would have never gotten anywhere in life.  It is in our genetic make-up to be curious, explore and discover new realms.

    To find out specific information on Clairvoyant or Pyschic people, search the web.  

  3. Wiki it! =)

  4. I got these demons in my mind tryna battle me

  5. If human then they are frauds unless they're being helped by another who is not human...

  6. the bible tells you not to mess around with that kinda thing


  7. all you need to know is THEY'RE NOT REAL

  8. Why do you ask?

    Try Wikipedia, they have background information about pretty much everything. Kind of a shady topic though, so be careful!

  9. The truth is that no two "psychics" share exactly the same abilities or methods. That is a very generic term used to describe people with any type of psychic ability. Normally, mediums use specific abilities to communicate with the spirit realm, as do healers and people who regularly use tools of divination like tarot or oracle cards, rods, crystals and yes, even magick and clouds in some cases.

    Check out the link below for descriptions of each of them and methods one can use to develop them. One central truth to keep in mind is that we ALL have psychic abilities, whether we admit it or not. You'll understand a bit more once you check out the link.


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