
Aaaahhhh! i want to fix gaps in my teeth without braces, HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and my teeth are dead straight but i have these gaps between my 2 front teeth, and the other 2 teeth on the sides. For some reason I still have 8 of my baby teeth so I can't get braces. Last fall my orthodontist said that I wouldn't need braces anyways, and within a year my baby teeth would begin to fall out and new teeth would erupt, creating a better smile. It's August, I haven't lost a single tooth and my smile is still ugly, or at least i think it is. I asked my parents about tooth bonding and they said that not only is it a multiple thousand dollar procedure, but they will shave my teeth down to stubs, and then put a cap on, and it will look gross and unnatural. I know people who have gotten it done and their teeth look great, and they said that the cost isn't that bad. i know I'm supposed to wait to do anything until my baby teeth fall out, but if i wont' need braces and none of my teeth have fallen out, what am I supposed to do to make my smile better? =[ I HATE my smile, and I think I would be really pretty if my smile wasn't so bad. Are there any procedures I can have done if I still have baby teeth?




  1. Have your orthodontists taken x-rays of your teeth? It may be under those 8 baby teeth you don't have adult teeth. It may very well be that your baby teeth are actually adult teeth, and you may not know it. (I highly doubt that b/c I'm sure you've had x-rays done at some point in your life)

    There is always Invisilign. But would it be neccessary to align your baby teeth if you haven't even lost them yet?

    You could always have your teeth moved by a dentist like on America's next Top Model.


    im looking into it too, it sounds okay. i dont know if it is any better for your baby teeth problem though...

  3. It would not be advisable to make your teeth bigger (with bonding, veneers or crowns) until your baby teeth are gone and your adult teeth are in and if the gaps are still there.

    Adult teeth are bigger than baby teeth, so when baby teeth are lost and the adult ones come in, usually small spaces are filled up.  If you make your teeth bigger now, there may not be room for your remaining adult teeth to erupt in properly.  You could be creating a problem where no problem currently exists.

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